使用 HTML 形式和 JavaScript 计算一天中两个时间之间的差异
Calculating the difference between two times of the day with an HTML form and JavaScript
我正在尝试创建一个 HTML 表单,将一天中的两次作为输入
例如,我在 HTML 表格中输入 1:15 pm(未来时间)和 12:00 am(当前时间),屏幕输出为:
1:15 pm is 1 hour and 15 minutes away from 12:00 am.
我已经在军事时间工作了,但似乎无法弄清楚如何让计算机识别 am 和 pm 的值,所以如果你不知道整个问题的答案,任何想法关于如何解决它的这个特定部分也会有很多帮助。
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> Calculate Time Difference </title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function calculateTimeDifference() {
let input_CurrentTime = document.getElementById( "currentTime" );
let input_FutureTime = document.getElementById( "futureTime" );
let output_Difference = document.getElementById( "difference" );
let currentTime = input_CurrentTime.value;
if ( currentTime.includes( ":" ) ) {
currentTime = currentTime.replace( ":". "" );
let futureTime = input_FutureTime
if ( futureTime.includes( ":" ) ) {
futureTime = futureTime.replace( ":", "" );
differenceEquation = futureTime - currentTime;
output_Difference.value = futureTime + " is " + differenceEquation + "
away from " + currentTime;
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "textBoxes.css"/>
<h1> Caclulate Time Difference </h1>
<form action = "/">
<label> Current Time: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "currentTime"/>
<label> Future Time: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "futureTime"/>
<input type = "button" value = "click me" onclick = "calculateTimeDifference()"/>
<label> Time Difference: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "difference"/>
如果你让它为军事时间工作,那么你可以将 AM/PM 时间转换为军事时间,然后使用你用于军事时间的任何时间。
- 如果有"AM",那么去掉AM,就是军用时间
- 如果它有 "PM",则删除 PM 并添加 12,这是军用时间(你必须 "mod 24" 总和,因为如果是下午 12 点,则为 24 点不是正确的军事时间,但 0 点钟是)。
以下是从 AM/PM 转换为军事时间的方法,这样您就可以将军事时间的逻辑应用于 AM/PM 字符串。
var time = "1:15 pm";
if (time.includes("pm")) {
time = time.replace("pm",""); //remove the "pm" from the string since military time doesn't have that.
var colon = time.indexOf(":"); //get the position of the colon so we can get the hours before the colon
var hours = time.substring(0,colon);
hours = parseInt(hours);
hours = (12 + hours) % 24; //add the 12 and mod it in case it's 24 o'clock
time = hours + ":" + time.substring(colon + 1, time.length);
} else {
time = time.replace("am",""); //if it doesn't have pm then remove am and leave it since this is already military time
我正在尝试创建一个 HTML 表单,将一天中的两次作为输入 (必须包含am/pm,不能是军用时间),用一个JavaScript函数计算这两个时间的差值,输出到屏幕上。
例如,我在 HTML 表格中输入 1:15 pm(未来时间)和 12:00 am(当前时间),屏幕输出为:
1:15 pm is 1 hour and 15 minutes away from 12:00 am.
我已经在军事时间工作了,但似乎无法弄清楚如何让计算机识别 am 和 pm 的值,所以如果你不知道整个问题的答案,任何想法关于如何解决它的这个特定部分也会有很多帮助。
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> Calculate Time Difference </title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function calculateTimeDifference() {
let input_CurrentTime = document.getElementById( "currentTime" );
let input_FutureTime = document.getElementById( "futureTime" );
let output_Difference = document.getElementById( "difference" );
let currentTime = input_CurrentTime.value;
if ( currentTime.includes( ":" ) ) {
currentTime = currentTime.replace( ":". "" );
let futureTime = input_FutureTime
if ( futureTime.includes( ":" ) ) {
futureTime = futureTime.replace( ":", "" );
differenceEquation = futureTime - currentTime;
output_Difference.value = futureTime + " is " + differenceEquation + "
away from " + currentTime;
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "textBoxes.css"/>
<h1> Caclulate Time Difference </h1>
<form action = "/">
<label> Current Time: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "currentTime"/>
<label> Future Time: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "futureTime"/>
<input type = "button" value = "click me" onclick = "calculateTimeDifference()"/>
<label> Time Difference: </label>
<input type = "text" id = "difference"/>
如果你让它为军事时间工作,那么你可以将 AM/PM 时间转换为军事时间,然后使用你用于军事时间的任何时间。
- 如果有"AM",那么去掉AM,就是军用时间
- 如果它有 "PM",则删除 PM 并添加 12,这是军用时间(你必须 "mod 24" 总和,因为如果是下午 12 点,则为 24 点不是正确的军事时间,但 0 点钟是)。
以下是从 AM/PM 转换为军事时间的方法,这样您就可以将军事时间的逻辑应用于 AM/PM 字符串。
var time = "1:15 pm"; if (time.includes("pm")) { time = time.replace("pm",""); //remove the "pm" from the string since military time doesn't have that. var colon = time.indexOf(":"); //get the position of the colon so we can get the hours before the colon var hours = time.substring(0,colon); hours = parseInt(hours); hours = (12 + hours) % 24; //add the 12 and mod it in case it's 24 o'clock time = hours + ":" + time.substring(colon + 1, time.length); } else { time = time.replace("am",""); //if it doesn't have pm then remove am and leave it since this is already military time }