我们可以 运行 两个 'slave' 节点在同一台机器上吗?

Can we run two 'slave' nodes on the same machines?

我们是 运行 一个 3 节点的 mesos 集群,mesos master 在每个节点上 运行。此外,每个节点上有 2 个从属 运行。这是一个好习惯吗?每个集群上的 2 个从属不会发送太多报价并最终超载吗? 3 节点集群的推荐配置是什么?


Thread from Mesos User Mailing List

It depends on your isolation setting (mainly cgroup, or any node level resources). In general, we don't recommend folks use multiple agents on a node.

It's possible to make it work by setting cgroup_root separately for MesosContainerizer. For DockerContainerizer, currently, we hard code DOCKER_NAME_PREFIX, making it not possible to use two agents on a node properly.

Running Docker containers won't work properly because restarting one agent will cause Docker containers managed by the other agent to be deleted.