How to store rich text data?
我正在开发一个博客应用程序。目前,当 post 编辑博客条目时,每个 post.
我想添加富文本 (WYSIWYG) 编辑器。我如何在 firebase 数据库中保存和检索富文本格式(样式、字体、颜色等)?
render(); //Render the editor. This method must be called to render the editor.
render(String html); //Render the editor with HTML as parameter.
render(EditorState state); //Render the editor with the state as a parameter
getContent(); //returns the content in the editor as EditorState
getContentAsSerialized(); //returns the content as serialized form of EditorState
getContentAsSerialized(EditorState state); //returns the provided parameter as serialized.
getContentAsHTML(); //returns the editor content in HTML format.
您可以搜索如何在 Firebase 中存储序列化对象以存储 EditorState
对象或直接将 HTML 文本存储为 String
我正在开发一个博客应用程序。目前,当 post 编辑博客条目时,每个 post.
可以上传纯文本和不超过一张图片我想添加富文本 (WYSIWYG) 编辑器。我如何在 firebase 数据库中保存和检索富文本格式(样式、字体、颜色等)?
render(); //Render the editor. This method must be called to render the editor.
render(String html); //Render the editor with HTML as parameter.
render(EditorState state); //Render the editor with the state as a parameter
getContent(); //returns the content in the editor as EditorState
getContentAsSerialized(); //returns the content as serialized form of EditorState
getContentAsSerialized(EditorState state); //returns the provided parameter as serialized.
getContentAsHTML(); //returns the editor content in HTML format.
您可以搜索如何在 Firebase 中存储序列化对象以存储 EditorState
对象或直接将 HTML 文本存储为 String