我应该使用 def、cdef 或 cpdef 定义我的 Cython 函数以获得最佳性能吗?

Should I define my Cython function using def, cdef, or cpdef for optimal performance?

假设我想要最佳性能,我如何知道在定义 Cython 函数时是使用 def、cdef 还是 cpdef?

如果你想要最佳性能,你应该知道 中提到的相关问题:

Once the function has been called there is no difference in the speed that the code inside a cdef and a def function runs at.

因此,为了获得最佳的 Cython 性能,您应该始终静态键入所有参数和变量,直觉上您会很想使用 cdef,但有一些注意事项我为此构建了下面的流程图(也是基于前面提到的答案):


cpdef functions cause Cython to generate a cdef function (that allows a quick function call from Cython) and a def function (which allows you to call it from Python). Interally the def function just calls the cdef function.

...以及来自 Cython 文档:

This exploits early binding so that cpdef functions may be as fast as possible when using C fundamental types (by using cdef). cpdef functions use dynamic binding when passed Python objects and this might much slower, perhaps as slow as def declared functions.

还有一个 case-specific benchmark(经常从 Python 调用该函数)产生以下结果: