Excel VBA - 如何使用不同的子例程逐行从工作簿的 sheet 复制到另一个工作簿的 sheet

Excel VBA - How to copy row by row from a sheet of workbook to another Workbook's sheet using different subroutine

我正在尝试将数据从工作簿的 sheet 复制到另一个工作簿,但代码显示错误 1004。这是我在子程序 findDuplicates()[=18 的 For 循环中遇到错误的代码=]

Option Explicit

Sub GenerateErrorSheet()
   Dim MyBook As Workbook
   Dim newBook As Workbook
   Dim FileNm As String
   Dim rowCount As Integer

   Set MyBook = ThisWorkbook
   rowCount = 1

   FileNm = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "ErrorSheet-" & Date & ".xls"
   Set newBook = Workbooks.Add

   With newBook

      Call findDuplicates(Worksheets("pid"), "PID Generator", rowCount,newBook.Worksheets("Sheet1"))
      rowCount = rowCount + 4
      'Call findDuplicates(Worksheets("behavioural"), "Behavioural Measurement")
      'rowCount = rowCount + 4
      'Call findDuplicates(Worksheets("physical"), "Physical Measurement")
      'rowCount = rowCount + 4
      'Call findDuplicates(Worksheets("biochemical"), "Biochemical Measurement")
      'Save new wb with XLS extension
      .SaveAs Filename:=FileNm, FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False

      .Close Savechanges:=False
   End With
   MsgBox "Error Sheet Generated Successfully." & vbNewLine & "Name Of Sheet - ErrorSheet-" & Date & ".xls" & vbNewLine & "Saved Location - " & FileNm
End Sub

我的 findDuplicates 子例程在 for 循环中给出错误

Sub findDuplicates(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, name As String, ByRef row As Integer, ByVal Sheet2 As Worksheet)
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim numRow As Integer
   numRow = sheet.Range("J2", sheet.Range("J2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

   With Sheet2
       Range(Cells(row, "A"), Cells(row, "L")).MergeCells = True
       With Cells(row, "A")
           .Font.name = "Bell MT"
           .Font.FontStyle = "Bold Italic"
           .Font.Size = 20
           .Font.Color = RGB(255, 99, 71)
           .Value = "Multiple Forms Found in " & name & " for single household"
       End With
       row = row + 1
   End With
   For i = 1 To numRow
        sheet.Rows("i").Copy Sheet2.Rows("row")
        row = row + 1
   Next i
End Sub

错误显示是-Error Image

错误前的本地值 - Locals Image

我猜是 Sheet2.Rows("row")。这不应该只是 Sheet2.Rows(row) 而不是吗?

编辑:Sheet.Rows("i") 也可能是 sheet.rows(i)。