
Alexa smarthome skill routines

我需要创建一个 Alexa 智能家居技能。我想使用 Alexa 设备控制我的灯。但是据我了解,智能家居技能只支持这样的语句

Alexa, turn on name
Alexa, turn off name
Alexa, set name to x percent
Alexa, brighten name
Alexa, dim name
Alexa, dim name by x percent
Alexa, brighten name by x percent
Alexa, set name to x degrees
Alexa, decrease name by x degrees
Alexa, increase name by x degrees
Alexa, decrease name


Alexa, turn on the kitchen light.
Alexa, dim the bedrromlight to 50%
Alexa, turn on the halllight for 3 hours
Alexa, set a daily timer for the testlight to turn on every day at 9am
Alexa, how dim is the bedrromlight right now?


我想这不仅仅与特定的智能家居技能有关。用户可以给不同的定位设备(f.e。你的灯)命名,如 kitchen light,他可以将不同的智能家居设备分配给房间。


Alexa, turn on the kitchen


在您的案例中,用户还可以在 Alexa 应用程序中创建例程:

switch the testlight on at 9 am every day.


所以 Alexa Smart Home 应该适合用例。


Alexa, turn on the kitchen light.
Alexa, dim the bedroomlight to 50 %.


Alexa, set a daily timer for the testlight to turn on every day at 9am

Alexa 目前不支持这些:

Alexa, how dim is the bedroomlight right now?
Alexa, turn on the halllight for 3 hours.
