Python to js word to sponetics 脚本

Python to js word to phonetics script

在 javascript 中有没有办法做到这一点?

if('a' in array[index] or 'A' in array[index] ):
    print(bArray[0], end = ' ')

(搜索字符串的数组,return 该字符串的索引,然后 console.log(bArray[location];

// Convert the string to lower case so that it will match both 'a' and "A"
const aIndex = array[index].toLowerCase().indexOf('a');
if(aIndex !== -1) {


let match = s.match(/[a]/i);
if (match) console.log(match.index, match[0]);


let matcher = s => {
  let regex = new RegExp(s, 'i');
  let match = s.match(regex);
  return match && [match.index, match[0]];