带 Spring IDE 插件的 Eclipse 和单独的 Spring 工具套件有什么区别?

What is the difference between Eclipse with Spring IDE plugin and Spring Tool Suite alone?


我问是因为 STS 说它是建立在 Eclipse 之上的,我想知道它与简单地使用向 "vanilla" Eclipse 添加类似功能的插件有什么区别。

没错,STS 是建立在 Eclipse 之上的。区别仅与 STS 安装支持的其他产品有关,如 Roo、Pivo​​tal tc Server、Cloud Foundry 和入门指南,但您也可以在 Eclipse 安装中包含此功能。

因此,STS 围绕 Spring 功能提供了完整的解决方案并简化了开发人员环境安装,这是关键区别。

正如 Martin Lippert 在论坛中解释的那样:

"So you can end-up having the same features in STS and your existing Eclipse installation after installing the STS features into it."

您可以找到更多详细信息 on the Spring forums

功能详情:STS features and Spring IDE plugin features

Spring 工具套件具有专为 spring 支持的项目和云环境设计的功能。 Eclipse 更通用,我们必须为我们的平台设置添加插件和扩展。

DZone 中已经有一篇关于此的文章 Spring IDE and the Spring Tool Suite - Using Spring in Eclipse

While the Spring IDE project provides a set of plugins for the Eclipse IDE, the Spring Tool Suite comes as a ready-to-use distribution of the latest Eclipse releases with the Spring IDE components pre-installed. This includes the tc Server integration for Eclipse (another IDE extension that is provided by Pivotal as an open-source project) and various other additions to Eclipse that turn the pure Eclipse IDE into a ready-to-use, best-of-breed environment for enterprise Spring application development.