
Probability: the one true fish


There are a million identical fish in a lake, one of which has swallowed the One True Ring. You must get it back! After months of effort, you catch another random fish and pass your metal detector over it, and the detector beeps! It is the best metal detector money can buy, and has a very low error rate: it fails to beep when near the ring only one in a billion times, and it beeps incorrectly only one in ten thousand times. What is the probability that, at long last, you’ve found your precious ring?



你想要的是在探测器发出哔哔声的情况下钓到正确鱼的概率,即 P(A|B)

P(B|A) = 9999/10000 是在您钓到正确鱼的情况下探测器发出哔哔声的概率。但是,我们不知道您的鱼是否正确。您所知道的只是检测器发出哔哔声,您无法判断它是概率为 P(B|A) 的真阳性还是概率为 P(B|not A).


贝叶斯定理可让您在 P(B|A)P(A|B) 之间切换,因此其他信息并非毫无用处。你确实需要这一切来解决问题。