如何在使用 rxandroidble 成功写入特性后取消订阅

How to unsubscribe after a successful writeCharacteristic with rxandroidble

我现在的代码如下图。我想知道在 writeCharacteristic 之后如何取消订阅(断开 ble)?另外,有没有办法在 writeCharacteristic 失败时重新连接?

  Subscription subscription = device.establishConnection(false)
                    .timeout(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                    .flatMap(rxBleConnection ->
                            rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(fromString("00005551-0000-1000-8000-008055555fb"), hexToBytes(mData)))

                            characteristicValue -> {
                                Log.e(TAG, "write success " + characteristicValue + " " + device.getMacAddress());
                               // subscribeList.remove(key).unsubscribe();
                            throwable -> {
                                Log.e(TAG, "write error " + throwable);
                              //  subscribeList.remove(key).unsubscribe();

只是: subscription.unsubscribe();

如果我理解正确的话,退订会"bubble up"通过运算符堆栈到顶部,从而断开连接。

I am wondering how do i unsubscribe (disconnect the ble) after connection?

我假设 after connectionafter the write,因为如果连接因外部因素(如外围设备关闭)而结束,那么整个流程将以错误结束。

如果您只想写入单个值然后断开连接,那么您需要做的就是在 writeCharacteristic() 之后通过在 .subscribe() 之前使用 .take(1) 从流中获取单个值.

Also, is there a way to reconnect on writeCharacteristic fail?


您遇到连接被关闭的情况可能只是因为您没有处理写入操作的错误。您可以使用 .retry(2) 运算符使写入重试两次。

请注意您尝试 .retry()Observable。如果您有兴趣仅在写入失败但连接仍然有效时重试写入,那么您应该在 RxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic() 上应用 .retry()。另一方面,如果你想在发生任何错误时重试整个流程,那么你应该将 .retry() 放在整个流程上 Observable.

Subscription subscription = device.establishConnection(false)
  .flatMap(rxBleConnection ->
    .retry(2) // retry here will only retry the write if a write characteristic will fail but the connection will still be intact
  .take(1) // this will unsubscribe the above part of the Observable on the first valid emission from it—so after the write will complete
  // .retry(2) if you will put retry here then for whatever reason the above flow [connecting + writing] will fail then a new connection will be established and write performed
    characteristicValue -> {
      Log.e(TAG, "write success " + characteristicValue + " " + device.getMacAddress());
    throwable -> {
      Log.e(TAG, "write error " + throwable);