
Frama-C: how to get only line number

我正在用 frama-c 开发一个插件,我想在源代码中获取行号。例如在这个小脚本中:

open Cil_types
open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype
let print_loc kf =             
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in 
   List.iter (fun vi -> 
      let line =  Cil_datatype.Location.pretty_line Format.sprintf "%a" Printer.pp_location vi.vdecl in
      Format.printf "Line %a: %a %s@." 
      Printer.pp_location vi.vdecl Printer.pp_typ vi.vtype vi.vname
   ) locals

let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
  Format.printf "Printing all local vars...@.";
  let fun_name = "main" in
  let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
  print_loc kf;
  Format.printf "done!@.")

Printer.pp_location 打印完整路径。我只想要行号。

我在 Cil_datatype.Location 模块中找到 pretty_line 并尝试使用它但我不能。我遇到了编译错误,而且我还没有找到在 Frama-C 源代码中使用此函数的示例。


let print_loc kf =             
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in 
List.iter (fun vi -> 
let line =  Cil_datatype.Location.pretty_line Format.sprintf "%a" Printer.pp_location vi.vdecl in
Format.printf "Line %d: %a %s@." line Printer.pp_typ vi.vtype vi.vname) locals


Error: This function has type Format.formatter -> Cil_datatype.Location.t -> unit It is applied to too many arguments; maybe you forgot a `;'.


Error: This expression has type Format.formatter -> Cil_types.location -> unit but an expression was expected of type unit -> 'a -> string Type Format.formatter is not compatible with type unit

否则我可以得到关于行号的信息吗?或者如何正确使用 Cil_datatype.Location.pretty_line ?


类型为 Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit 的函数旨在与 %a 说明符结合使用,例如与格式化程序 ppf 和位置 loc 结合使用:

let () = Format.fprintf ppf "%a" Cil_datatype.Location.pretty_line loc


let s = Format.asprintf "%a" Cil_datatype.Location.pretty_line loc

octachtron 的回答很好地总结了如何将 pretty_line 与格式字符串一起使用。但是,如果您想将行号用作整数(不一定要用 %d 打印它),Cil_datatype.Location.t 是具体类型,更准确地说是 Cil_types.location 的别名,它是本身就是一对Lexing.location。因此, 要检索位置开始的行,您只需执行

let line = (fst vi.vdecl).Lexing.pos_lnum in 