视觉中的事件鼠标单击 python

Event mouse click in visual python

这是来自 "vpython.org" 教程的简单代码:

from vpython import *
scene = canvas(title='Rubic solver!',
     width=800, height=600,
     center=vector(5,0,0), background=color.white,userzoom=0,userspin=0,userpan=0)
while True: 
    ev = scene.waitfor('mousedown mouseup')
    if ev.event == 'mousedown':
        print('You pressed the mouse button')
        print('You released the mouse button')
    print(ev.pos) # the position of the mouse

当我打印 "ev" 时,输出是 None 然后出现错误:

    if ev.event == 'mousedown':
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'event'

注意:我使用的是 Vpython7 和 Python3.6 .

此错误已在 VPython 7 中修复。您 post 编辑的示例有效。

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