std::atomic 的标准特化不应该缺少值构造函数吗

Shouldn't standard specializations of std::atomic lack value constructor

std::atomic 模板的通用版本有一个声明为


constexpr atomic( T desired );(参见here


standard layout, trivial default constructors, and trivial destructors. They support aggregate initialization syntax.

这是有道理的,因为 类 只有微不足道的默认 ctor 和 dtor(即没有值 ctor)才有资格作为聚合,因此支持聚合初始化语法。但是,以下代码在 GCC 和 clang 上都可以正常编译:

std::atomic_int i(9);


引用自 C++11 标准

These specializations shall have standard layout, trivial default constructors, and trivial destructors. They shall each support aggregate initialization syntax.

这也没有说明这样的专业化是否应该有一个值 ctor。

标准根据 [atomics.types.generic]:


There shall be named types corresponding to the integral specializations of atomic, as specified in Table 146, and a named type atomic_bool corresponding to the specified atomic<bool>. Each named type is either a typedef to the corresponding specialization or a base class of the corresponding specialization. If it is a base class, it shall support the same member functions as the corresponding specialization.

在 Table 146 中,我们看到 atomic_intatomic<int> 的类型定义。 integral 特化在同一节中定义为:

template <> struct atomic<integral > {
    constexpr atomic(integral ) noexcept;

int 中用 integral 代替,我们有一个 constexpr atomic_int(int ) 构造函数。坦率地说,如果你不能T...
