为什么在我的网站上 运行 这个 php 脚本时我收到这个 'php parse error'?

Why am I receiving this 'php parse error' when running this php script on my website?


我下载了示例脚本并替换了相关数据。问题是当我 运行 脚本时我收到一个错误。错误保存在脚本所在目录中的文件中。


[13-Jan-2015 17:07:37 Europe/London] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/sinergqx/public_html/pages/new_ticket.php on line 46

当我收到错误时,我认为这只是提供的脚本中的错字,所以我完全按照错误消息的描述进行操作,并将 ; 替换为 ) .这仍然没有什么区别。


我在 Internet 上搜索了该错误,但没有找到说明在这种情况下该怎么做的线程。



#!/usr/bin/php -q
# Configuration: Enter the url and key. That is it.
#  url => URL to api/task/cron e.g #  http://yourdomain.com/support/api/tickets.json
#  key => API's Key (see admin panel on how to generate a key)
#  $data add custom required fields to the array.
#  Originally authored by jared@osTicket.com
#  Modified by ntozier@osTicket / tmib.net

// If 1, display things to debug.

// You must configure the url and key in the array below.

$config = array(
        'url'=>'http://support.sinergycraft.net/api/cron.php',  // URL to site.tld/api/tickets.json
        'key'=>'I WOULD PUT MY API HERE'  // API Key goes here
# NOTE: some people have reported having to use "http://your.domain.tld/api/http.php/tickets.json" instead.

if($config['url'] === 'http://your.domain.tld/api/tickets.json') {
  echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No URL</b><br>You have not configured this script with your URL!</p>";
  echo "Please edit this file ".__FILE__." and add your URL at line 18.</p>";
if(IsNullOrEmptyString($config['key']) || ($config['key'] === 'PUTyourAPIkeyHERE'))  {
  echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No API Key</b><br>You have not configured this script with an API Key!</p>";
  echo "<p>Please log into osticket as an admin and navigate to: Admin panel -> Manage -> Api Keys then add a new API Key.<br>";
  echo "Once you have your key edit this file ".__FILE__." and add the key at line 19.</p>";

# Fill in the data for the new ticket, this will likely come from $_POST.
# NOTE: your variable names in osT are case sensiTive. 
# So when adding custom lists or fields make sure you use the same case
# For examples on how to do that see Agency and Site below.
$data = array(
    'name'      =>      'John Doe',  // from name aka User/Client Name
    'email'     =>      'john@gmail.com',  // from email aka User/Client Email
    'phone'     =>      '1234567890',  // phone number aka User/Client Phone Number
    'subject'   =>      'Test API message',  // test subject, aka Issue Summary
    'message'   =>      'This is a test of the osTicket API',  // test ticket body, aka Issue Details.
    'ip'        =>      $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // Should be IP address of the machine thats trying to open the ticket.
    'topicId'   =>      '1'; // the help Topic that you want to use for the ticket --L46
    //'Agency'  =>      '58', //this is an example of a custom list entry. This should be the number of the entry.
    //'Site'    =>      'Bermuda'; // this is an example of a custom text field.  You can push anything into here you want. 
    'attachments' => array()

# more fields are available and are documented at:
# https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/api/tickets.md

if($debug=='1') {

# Add in attachments here if necessary
# Note: there is something with this wrong with the file attachment here it does not work.
$data['attachments'][] =
array('file.txt' =>
            .base64_encode(file_get_contents('/file.txt')));  // replace ./file.txt with /path/to/your/test/filename.txt

function_exists('curl_version') or die('CURL support required');
function_exists('json_encode') or die('JSON support required');

#set timeout

#curl post
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $config['url']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'osTicket API Client v1.8');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:', 'X-API-Key: '.$config['key']));
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ($code != 201)
    die('Unable to create ticket: '.$result);

$ticket_id = (int) $result;

# Continue onward here if necessary. $ticket_id has the ID number of the
# newly-created ticket

function IsNullOrEmptyString($question){
    return (!isset($question) || trim($question)==='');

唯一与我上传时不同的是,我删除了 api 密钥并将其替换为 I WOULD PUT MY API HERE

此外,虽然在代码的注释部分它说 link 到 http://your.domain.tld/api/http.php/tickets.json,但我的任何目录中都不存在,所以我 link 将其编辑为 http://your.domain.tld/api/http.php/cron.php。我这样做是因为它在顶部的评论部分说 url => URL to api/task/cron e.g # http://yourdomain.com/support/api/tickets.json.


感谢任何人的帮助,非常感谢,因为我是 php 的真正初学者。


我确实查看了第 46 行并看到 ; 并将其替换为 ),错误消息向我提示这是错误的,但它没有解决问题。


'topicId'   =>      '1';


'topicId'   =>      '1',
                     //^ You have to use a comma to separate each array element



An array can be created using the array() language construct. It takes any number of comma-separated key => value pairs as arguments.

也作为一个很好的参考,哪个错误意味着什么看到这个:Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

'topicId'   =>      '1'; // the help Topic that you want to use for the ticket 

它在数组定义的中间,所以它应该是 ,,而不是 ;)

刚刚阅读你的代码我发现有一个';'在第 46 行。

查看第 46 行我是 ';'哪里需要一个','。我怎么知道呢?因为它是一个数组,查看数组中变量的另一端行,您会看到从一个值到另一个值需要一个“,”来分隔它们。


    #!/usr/bin/php -q
# Configuration: Enter the url and key. That is it.
#  url => URL to api/task/cron e.g #  http://yourdomain.com/support/api/tickets.json
#  key => API's Key (see admin panel on how to generate a key)
#  $data add custom required fields to the array.
#  Originally authored by jared@osTicket.com
#  Modified by ntozier@osTicket / tmib.net

// If 1, display things to debug.

// You must configure the url and key in the array below.

$config = array(
        'url'=>'http://support.sinergycraft.net/api/cron.php',  // URL to site.tld/api/tickets.json
        'key'=>'I WOULD PUT MY API HERE'  // API Key goes here
# NOTE: some people have reported having to use "http://your.domain.tld/api/http.php/tickets.json" instead.

if($config['url'] === 'http://your.domain.tld/api/tickets.json') {
  echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No URL</b><br>You have not configured this script with your URL!</p>";
  echo "Please edit this file ".__FILE__." and add your URL at line 18.</p>";
if(IsNullOrEmptyString($config['key']) || ($config['key'] === 'PUTyourAPIkeyHERE'))  {
  echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No API Key</b><br>You have not configured this script with an API Key!</p>";
  echo "<p>Please log into osticket as an admin and navigate to: Admin panel -> Manage -> Api Keys then add a new API Key.<br>";
  echo "Once you have your key edit this file ".__FILE__." and add the key at line 19.</p>";

# Fill in the data for the new ticket, this will likely come from $_POST.
# NOTE: your variable names in osT are case sensiTive. 
# So when adding custom lists or fields make sure you use the same case
# For examples on how to do that see Agency and Site below.
$data = array(
    'name'      =>      'John Doe',  // from name aka User/Client Name
    'email'     =>      'john@gmail.com',  // from email aka User/Client Email
    'phone'     =>      '1234567890',  // phone number aka User/Client Phone Number
    'subject'   =>      'Test API message',  // test subject, aka Issue Summary
    'message'   =>      'This is a test of the osTicket API',  // test ticket body, aka Issue Details.
    'ip'        =>      $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // Should be IP address of the machine thats trying to open the ticket.
    'topicId'   =>      '1', // the help Topic that you want to use for the ticket 
    //'Agency'  =>      '58', //this is an example of a custom list entry. This should be the number of the entry.
    //'Site'    =>      'Bermuda'; // this is an example of a custom text field.  You can push anything into here you want. 
    'attachments' => array()

# more fields are available and are documented at:
# https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/api/tickets.md

if($debug=='1') {

# Add in attachments here if necessary
# Note: there is something with this wrong with the file attachment here it does not work.
$data['attachments'][] =
array('file.txt' =>
            .base64_encode(file_get_contents('/file.txt')));  // replace ./file.txt with /path/to/your/test/filename.txt

function_exists('curl_version') or die('CURL support required');
function_exists('json_encode') or die('JSON support required');

#set timeout

#curl post
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $config['url']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'osTicket API Client v1.8');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:', 'X-API-Key: '.$config['key']));
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ($code != 201)
    die('Unable to create ticket: '.$result);

$ticket_id = (int) $result;

# Continue onward here if necessary. $ticket_id has the ID number of the
# newly-created ticket

function IsNullOrEmptyString($question){
    return (!isset($question) || trim($question)==='');