如何在 Postgresql 交叉表中获取动态列数

How to get dynamic number of columns in Postgresql crosstab

我是 postgresql crosstab 函数的新手,并且已经在 SO 上尝试了一些解决方案,但仍然卡住了。所以基本上我有一个查询,结果如下所示:

|John Doe    |ENGLISH     |65   |
|John Doe    |MATHEMATICS |72   |
|Mary Jane   |ENGLISH     |74   |
|Mary Jane   |MATHEMATICS |70   |


|student_name| ENGLISH | MATHEMATICS |
|John Doe    | 65      | 72          |
|Mary Jane   | 74      | 70          |

我的查询 returns 第一个 table(没有交叉表)是:

SELECT student_name, subject_name, sum(marks) as marks FROM (
    SELECT student_id, student_name, class_name, exam_type, subject_name, total_mark as marks, total_grade_weight as out_of, percentage, grade, sort_order
        SELECT  student_id, student_name, class_name, exam_type, subject_name, total_mark, total_grade_weight, ceil(total_mark::float/total_grade_weight::float*100) as percentage,
            (select grade from app.grading where (total_mark::float/total_grade_weight::float)*100 between min_mark and max_mark) as grade, sort_order
        FROM (
            SELECT --big query with lots of JOINS
        ) q ORDER BY sort_order
    )v GROUP BY v.student_id, v.student_name, v.class_name, v.exam_type, v.subject_name, v.total_mark, v.total_grade_weight, v.percentage, v.grade, v.sort_order
    ORDER BY student_name ASC, sort_order ASC
    GROUP BY student_name, subject_name
ORDER BY student_name


crosstab(' //the query above here ',
          $$VALUES ('MATHEMATICS'::text), ('marks')$$
        ) AS ct 
(student_name text, subject_name character varying, marks numeric);

如果我 运行 如上所示,这就是我最终得到的结果:

|John Doe    | 65         |     |
|Mary Jane   | 74         |     |

正如它所说的 subject_name 而不是 ENGLISHMATHEMATICS。显然,现在我看到我不需要 marks 列,但是我怎样才能让它将所有主题名称作为列名称?他们可能是两个,也可能是 12 个。


$$VALUES ('MATHEMATICS'::text), ('marks')$$ 有了这个;

'SELECT subject_name FROM app.subjects WHERE ... ORDER BY ...' 我的解决方案的缺点是最后一部分更改为

(student_name text, english bigint, mathematics bigint, physics bigint, biology bigint, chemistry bigint, history bigint, ...);

也就是说,我必须手动列出所有主题,并且完全按照上面列出的顺序 select。我觉得这不是很方便,但它确实有效。