使用 Spray Json 将 Any 的二维序列转换为 Json

Use Spray Json to convert 2D sequence of Any into Json

我正在尝试了解 Spray Json 并且对 Scala 非常陌生。我有 Seq(Seq("abc", 123, false, null), Seq("def", 45, "1234", 'C')) 所以 Seq[Seq[Any]]。我不确定该怎么做,也无法在网上找到任何示例。

case class SeqFormat(Seq[Seq[Any]]) => {
    // something that would convert to Seq[Seq[String]] 
    //which will would return a Json like this
    //[["abc", "123", "false", "null"],["def", "45", "1234", "C"]]


val someSeq = [["abc", "123", "false", "null"],["def", "45", "1234", "C"]]
val myObj = someSeq.toJson
// This gives me an error saying Any is not valid



import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._

implicit object AnyJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Any] {

  def write(x: Any) =
    try {
      x match {
        case n: Int    => JsNumber(n)
        case s: String => JsString(s)
        case c: Char   => JsString(c.toString)
        case _         => JsString("null")
    } catch {
      case _: NullPointerException => JsString("null")

  def read(value: JsValue) = ???


val input = Seq(Seq("abc", 123, false, null), Seq("def", 45, "1234", 'C'))



这是此 post 的改编版本:使用 spray 序列化 Map[String, Any] json

注意 null 案例的 NullPointerException 处理。