Python ThreadPoolExecutor 没有正确执行

Python ThreadPoolExecutor not executing proper

我正在使用 concurrent.futures 库来执行多线程 for 循环。每次都需要使用所有 5 个参数执行 for 循环。现在我已经到了我的 do_something_parallel-函数只打印 "test1" 的地步。

现在的问题是在 do_something_parallel-函数内部它不识别项目。因为当我打印错误时它说 AttributeError: <unknown>.Name。在 for 循环中,我还尝试打印 item.Name 并且它有效。

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

do_something_parallel(x, par2, par3, par4, par5):

    for i in range(0,38):
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
            futures = set()
                for x in range(0,5):
                    f = executor.submit(do_something_parallel, x, par2, par3, par4, par5)

你必须把ThreadPoolExecutor放到迭代器外面,然后 模式将是这样的:

from concurrent import futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def do_something(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Stub function to use with futures - your processing logic """
    print("Do something in parallel")
    return "result processed"

def main():
    # The important part - concurrent futures 
    # - set number of workers as the number of jobs to process
    # The number of workers you want to run in parallel
    workers_range = 3

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(len(your_range)) as executor:
        # Use list jobs for concurrent futures
        # Use list scraped_results for results
        jobs = []
        results_done = []
        # Here you identify how many parallel tasks you want
        # and what value you'll send to them
        values = ["value1", "value2", "value3"] # as per workers_range 

        for value in values:
            # Pass some keyword arguments if needed - per job    
            kw = {"some_param": value}

            # Here we iterate 'number of dates' times, could be different
            # We're adding scrape_func, could be different function per call
            jobs.append(executor.submit(do_something, **kw))

        # Once parallell processing is complete, iterate over results
        for job in futures.as_completed(jobs):
            # Read result from future
            result_done = job.result()
            # Append to the list of results

        # Iterate over results scraped and do whatever is needed
        for result in results_done:
            print("Do something with me {}".format(result))
