Vyper:兼容 write/deploy 以太坊经典智能合约与 python?
Vyper: compatible to write/deploy Ethereum classic smart-contract with python?
自 Python Serpent Compiler is considered outdated and not secure by Vitalik (also confirmed by this audit and here), it is more recommended to write/deploy Ethereum smart-contract from python with Vyper compiler.
确定Vyper works on the Ethereum decentralized platform, but I would to know if Vyper is also compatible to deploy smart contract on the Ethereum Classic decentralized platform ?
如果是,如何为这个用例设置 Vyper?
如果没有,新 python 支持的编译器是什么来部署 smart contract on Ethereum Classic?
据我所知,ETC 和 ETH 都将 EVM 用于其代码,并且在 EVM 的实现上都没有分歧。这意味着无需额外设置即可在 ETC 而不是 ETH 上获取 Vyper 代码 运行。
自 Python Serpent Compiler is considered outdated and not secure by Vitalik (also confirmed by this audit and here), it is more recommended to write/deploy Ethereum smart-contract from python with Vyper compiler.
确定Vyper works on the Ethereum decentralized platform, but I would to know if Vyper is also compatible to deploy smart contract on the Ethereum Classic decentralized platform ?
如果是,如何为这个用例设置 Vyper?
如果没有,新 python 支持的编译器是什么来部署 smart contract on Ethereum Classic?
据我所知,ETC 和 ETH 都将 EVM 用于其代码,并且在 EVM 的实现上都没有分歧。这意味着无需额外设置即可在 ETC 而不是 ETH 上获取 Vyper 代码 运行。