猫鼬:在 Model.remove() 中设置单个选项

Mongoose: set single option in Model.remove()

Documentation 说到 Model::remove() 方法:

Removes all documents that match conditions from the collection. To remove just the first document that matches conditions, set the single option to true.



1) Model.remove({code: 55, single: true }, function (err, deleted) {... — 没有结果,因为正如我所料,在这种情况下 single 被视为一个不存在的字段;

2) Model.remove({code: 55}, {single: true }, function (err, deleted) {TypeError: callback.apply is not a function.

我是 Mongoose 初学者,在此先感谢您的帮助。

哦,天哪,我找到了,如何解决它 - in source code:

Model.remove({code: 55}).setOptions({ single: true }).exec(function (err, deleted) {...