
Accidentally pulled a remote branch to my feature branch, resolved conflicts and committed again. Can this be reverted?


git checkout my_feature
git pull origin wrong_branch

git commit -am "Resolving merge conflict"
git push

git commit -m "Some other commit to my_feature"
git commit -m "Another commit to my_feature"
git push

有多种方法可以解决这个问题;最简单的方法可能是重置为合并前的状态,然后 cherry-pick 您在此基础上所做的提交。

git reset --hard abc123^  # where abc123 is the hash of the merge
                          # commit. The ^ refers to the first parent of
                          # that commit, i.e. the commit before the
                          # merge happened.

git cherry-pick cde234    # where cde234 is the hash of a commit that
                          # you made after the merge

另一种方法是使用带有 --onto 标志的 git rebase;有关详细信息,请参阅 man git-rebase


请注意,这意味着您正在改变历史。要对遥控器进行这些更改,您需要强制推送; man git-push 查找 --force--force-with-lease。请三思而后行,并注意如果在同一分支上工作的其他人已将这些更改拉入,他们将需要采取措施通过 git resetgit rebase 来更正其历史记录。另请注意,如果其他人在您上次获取后推送了更改,您可能会无意中删除这些更改。使用 --force-with-lease 代替 --force 将帮助您避免这种情况。在很多情况下,改变历史是不值得的。