使用 AutoSlugField 填充现有模型对象

Populate existing model objects with AutoSlugField

我需要为已经存在的模型对象填充一个 AutoslugField。我的坏人意识到 slug 字段比使用 pk 出于安全目的更方便和更好。

我的数据库中已有模型对象(行)。我想向它们添加 AutoSlugField。




class MyModel(...):
    title = <Charfield>
    slug = <AutoSlugField>

你可以写一个for循环来读取MyModel中的所有对象并使用django.utils.text.slugifytitle转换成一个slug。你可以 运行 这个 shell:

from django.utils.text import slugify

from myapp.models import MyModel

# The for loop to create new slugs and update db records

for obj in MyModel.objects.all():
    if not obj.slug: # only create slug if empty

        slug = slugify(obj.title)

        cycle = 1 # the current loop cycle

        while True:
            # this loop will run until the slug is unique
                model = MyModel.objects.get(slug=slug_text)
            except MyModel.DoesNotExist:
                obj.slug = slug
                slug = generate_another_slug(slug, cycle)

            cycle += 1 # update cycle number

generate_another_slug 函数可以如下所示:

def generate_another_slug(slug, cycle):
    """A function that takes a slug and 
    appends a number to the slug

        slug = 'hello-word', cycle = 1
        will return 'hello-word-1'
    if cycle == 1:
        # this means that the loop is running 
        # first time and the slug is "fresh"
        # so append a number in the slug
        new_slug = "%s-%s" % (slug, cycle)
        # the loop is running more than 1 time
        # so the slug isn't fresh as it already 
        # has a number appended to it
        # so, replace that number with the 
        # current cycle number
        original_slug = "-".join(slug.split("-")[:-1])
        new_slug = "%s-%s" % (original_slug, cycle)

    return new_slug