如何在 MDriven 中设置日期和时间选择器?
How do I set Date AND time picker in MDriven?
我试图在 MDriven 中同时捕获日期和时间,但数据类型 DateTime 的默认值仅显示日期的选择器(在 Web 中),但时间存储在持久层中。我如何捕捉时间?
Date-formatting You set date and time format in the Style attribute
enclosed in { }.
For example, for dates and time, {short} will show date and time in
compact format. The default date format is {shortDate}. Please refer
to the Angular guide for formatting dates
The date and time format are automatically localized depending on the
我试图在 MDriven 中同时捕获日期和时间,但数据类型 DateTime 的默认值仅显示日期的选择器(在 Web 中),但时间存储在持久层中。我如何捕捉时间?
Date-formatting You set date and time format in the Style attribute enclosed in { }.
For example, for dates and time, {short} will show date and time in compact format. The default date format is {shortDate}. Please refer to the Angular guide for formatting dates https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/date
The date and time format are automatically localized depending on the browser.