Golang Bufio 编写器不写入 TCP 连接

Golang Bufio writer not writing to TCP connection

我正在开发一个用 Golang 编写的小型服务器。我正在查看以下示例:


当尝试从 Bufio 包中实现 Reader 和 Writer 时,只能从连接中读取。看起来它没有写任何东西(好吧,我没有收到任何东西 client-side),而且它也没有给出错误。但是,使用实际连接而不是 bufio.Writer 进行写入工作正常。


package main

import (

const (
    CONN_HOST = "localhost"
    CONN_TYPE = "tcp"
    CONN_PORT = "3333"

type Client struct{
    name string
    reader *bufio.Reader
    writer *bufio.Writer
    connection net.Conn

type Clients [] Client

var lobby Clients

func main() {
    c, err := net.Listen(CONN_TYPE, CONN_HOST+":"+CONN_PORT)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error listening:", err.Error())

    defer c.Close()
    fmt.Println("Server listening on port " + CONN_PORT)

    go matchmaking()

    for {
        conn, err := c.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error accepting: ", err.Error())

        if conn != nil {
            go handleRequest(conn)

func handleRequest(conn net.Conn) {
    client := &Client{
        reader: bufio.NewReader(conn),
        writer: bufio.NewWriter(conn),

    client.name, _ = client.reader.ReadString('\n') // Works fine
    client.name = strings.TrimSpace(client.name)

    lobby = append(lobby, *client)
    fmt.Println("Client connected: " + client.name)

func matchmaking(){
    fmt.Println("Matchmaker started!")
    for {
        for i := range lobby {
            if len(lobby) >= 2 {
                go startMatch(lobby[i], lobby[i+1] )
                lobby = append(lobby[:i], lobby[i+1:]...) // Remove from lobby
                lobby = append(lobby[:i], lobby[i+1:]...)

func startMatch(client1 Client, client2 Client){
    client1.writer.WriteString("found\n") // Doens't work?
    client2.writer.WriteString("found\n") // Doens't work?

    //client1.writer.Write([]byte("found\n")) => Doensn't work either
    //client1.connection.Write([]byte("found\n")) => this works fine..?

    fmt.Println("Starting match with: " + client1.name + " and " + client2.name)
    fmt.Println("Current lobby size is: ", len(lobby))

正如标题所说,为什么 bufio.Writer 不写入已连接的客户端?

缓冲写入器已缓冲数据。要进一步推动它,请调用 writer.Flush.

func startMatch(client1 Client, client2 Client){
    _, err := client1.writer.WriteString("found\n")
    // handle error here
    err = client1.writer.Flush()
    // handle error here
    _, err = client2.writer.WriteString("found\n")
    // handle error here
    err = client2.writer.Flush()
    // handle error here

    fmt.Println("Starting match with: " + client1.name + " and " + client2.name)
    fmt.Println("Current lobby size is: ", len(lobby))
