无法为 Https 端点创建 smooch-Webhook

Unable to create smooch-Webhook for Https endpoint

我正在尝试在 smooch 应用程序中创建一个 webhook。 每当我尝试使用 https 添加目标端点时,例如:

URL : https://www.api.someurl.com/some/path/messageHook

我收到一条错误消息 "No service found at target url's domain"

但是当我在没有 HTTPS 的情况下做同样的事情时

URL : http://www.api.someurl.com/some/path/messageHook



When you create a Webhook Smooch sends a HEAD request to the root of the >domain to make sure that there is a server present. So if your target is >https://example.com/webhook-url/app-id then Smooch will send a HEAD >request to https://example.com/ and expect a response with a status code >in the 200, 400, or 500 range, excluding 502.

Moreover, our validation request will fail for self-signed or missing >certificates if the endpoint is HTTPS

第一部分: 我的终点; https://www.api.someurl.com/ returns 200状态码

第二部分(认证): 我正在使用 LetsEncrypt 来签署证书,https://www.sslshopper.com/ 没有发现任何问题

如评论中所述,这是 Smooch 方面的错误。已部署修复程序,您现在应该能够创建指向您的域的 webhooks