Why/How BackgroundWorker 是否在没有 DoWorkEventArgs 的情况下工作?

Why/How Does BackgroundWorker Work Without DoWorkEventArgs?

以下是我正在处理的class(WinForms 项目的一部分)的精简版:

class ReportBuilder {
    private List<Project> projects;
    private List<Invoice> invoices;
    private MyAPI apiObject;

    public ReportBuilder(MyAPI apiAccess, List<Project> selectedProjects){
        this.apiObject = apiAccess;
        this.projects = selectedProjects;

    public void DownloadData(){
        BackgroundWorker workerThread = new BackgroundWorker();
        workerThread.DoWork += (sender, e) => this.retrieveInvoices(this.projects); // yes, the parameter is unnecessary in this case, since the variable is in scope for the method anyway, but I'm doing it for illustrative purposes
        workerThread.RunWorkerCompleted += receiveData;

    private void retrieveInvoices(List<Project> filterProjects){
        Notification status;
        if (filterProjects == null){this.invoices = this.apiObject.GetInvoices(out status);}
        else {this.invoices = this.apiObject.GetInvoices(filterProjects, out status);}

    private void receiveData(Object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e){
        // display a save file dialog to the user
        // call a method in another class to create a report in csv format
        // save that csv to file

        // ... ideally, this method would to have access to the 'status' Notification object from retrieveInvoices, but it doesn't (unless I make that an instance variable)

现在,DoWork 事件处理程序的方法签名通常是这样的:

private void retrieveInvoices(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

但是,正如您在上面看到的,我的 retrieveInvoices 方法的签名不匹配。因此我预计它会失败(要么不编译,要么只是 UI 线程上的 运行 retrieveInvoices,阻塞它,而不是在后台工作程序中)。令我惊讶的是,它似乎在工作,但自从我看到 none 的 BackgroundWorker 示例这样做以来,我仍然认为我一定做错了什么。但是我是吗,为什么?


worker.DoWork += (sender, e) => this.retrieveInvoices(this.projects); 

引入一个带有参数 (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 的委托,该委托使用参数 projects 调用方法 retrieveInvoices。没有语法不匹配。


worker.DoWork += (sender, e) => { this.retrieveInvoices(this.projects); }

void doSomething(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)

worker.DoWork += doSomething;

要使用 retrieveInvoices 作为实际的事件处理程序,您必须编写:

worker.DoWork += retrieveInvoices;


顺便说一句,BackgroundWorker 已过时。它所做的任何事情都可以使用 Task.Run、async/await 和 IProgress 来完成。例如,BGW 不能用于组合多个异步操作。使用 `async/await 也很容易,例如:

async Task<Report> RunReport(Project[] projects, IProgress<string> progress)
    var data= await retrieveInvoices(projects);
    progress.Report("Invoices retrieved");
    var report=await render(data);
    progress.Report("Report rendered");
    await SaveReport(report);
    progress.Report("Report saved");
    return report;

Progress<string> progress=new Progress<string>(msg=>statusBar1.Text=msg);

await RunReport(projects);