Are there programming languages that directly translate into another?
如今最常用的翻译语言是 JavaScript。较新的 ECMAScript 构造被转换为旧版本以与旧浏览器兼容。翻译由Babel.
还有其他语言,如 TypeScript and CoffeScript 被翻译成 JavaScript。
Is there a programming language that doesn't compile, but rather just translates into another language?
这对我来说毫无意义。我对编译的定义是"translating from one language (the source language) to another (the target language)".
通常源语言是人类编写的东西,目标语言是机器代码(或 asm),但这不是必需的。事实上,许多编译器的结构都是多层的,每一层都翻译成另一种中间语言(直到最后一层以目标语言发出代码)。
而且它与语言没有直接关系,而是与特定的实现相关。我们可以以C为例:有C解释器,针对汇编代码的C编译器,针对(各种平台的)机器代码的C编译器,C compilers that target JavaScript, C compilers that target Perl等
一种方法是将编译器 front-ends(从源语言转换为内部抽象表示)和 back-ends(从内部抽象表示转换为特定平台的机器代码)分开。这样你可以保留 front-end 并且只写一个新的 back-end 如果你想支持另一个目标平台。如果您想添加对另一种源语言的支持,您也可以保留 back-end 并只写一个新的 front-end。
另一种方法是使用full-blown 编程语言作为中间表示。例如,您的新编译器可能生成 C 代码,然后可以由任何 C 编译器将其编译为机器代码。 C++的第一个实现did exactly this. C has a number of drawbacks as a compiler target language; there have been efforts to create languages better suited for the task (see e.g. C--, which is used internally by GHC(一个Haskell编译器))。
f2c 将 Fortran 77 翻译成 C 代码。所以这可能是您正在寻找的示例。
全部general-purpose programming languages are Turing complete。这意味着它们中的任何一个都可以翻译成另一个。
是的,这是一种创造新语言的技术。成为 C++ 的第一个实验被翻译成 C 进行编译。摘自 http://wiki.c2.com/?CeeAsAnIntermediateLanguage:
Examples of using C in this fashion:
CeeFront; the original implementation of C++, translated to C.
Comeau C++ (http://www.comeaucomputing.com/) translates C++ to C. It
is the first C++ compiler to provide full core language support for
standard C++.
Several Java-to-C translators out there (some translate Java source;
others translate JavaByteCode to C)
Many experimental language compilers use C as a backend, rather than
emitting assembly language directly.
SqueakSmalltalk's VirtualMachine is written in a subset of Smalltalk
which gets translated to C and fed to the C compiler. The
VirtualMachine used by Scheme48 is written in a StaticallyTyped
SchemeLanguage dialect called PreScheme which is compiled to C. (The
PreScheme compiler itself is written in full Scheme.)
Several SchemeImplementations compile to C (e.g. RScheme, Bigloo and
Chicken). These Schemes often use the technique described in
CheneyOnTheMta to provide support for ProperTailRecursion.
最近,针对 JavaScript 的一个子集的编译器已经创建,能够进行高效的即时编译 - emscripten。
如果您将汇编语言和高级语言一起计算在内,WebAssembly 或其他字节码语言也适合。
如今最常用的翻译语言是 JavaScript。较新的 ECMAScript 构造被转换为旧版本以与旧浏览器兼容。翻译由Babel.
完成还有其他语言,如 TypeScript and CoffeScript 被翻译成 JavaScript。
Is there a programming language that doesn't compile, but rather just translates into another language?
这对我来说毫无意义。我对编译的定义是"translating from one language (the source language) to another (the target language)".
通常源语言是人类编写的东西,目标语言是机器代码(或 asm),但这不是必需的。事实上,许多编译器的结构都是多层的,每一层都翻译成另一种中间语言(直到最后一层以目标语言发出代码)。
而且它与语言没有直接关系,而是与特定的实现相关。我们可以以C为例:有C解释器,针对汇编代码的C编译器,针对(各种平台的)机器代码的C编译器,C compilers that target JavaScript, C compilers that target Perl等
一种方法是将编译器 front-ends(从源语言转换为内部抽象表示)和 back-ends(从内部抽象表示转换为特定平台的机器代码)分开。这样你可以保留 front-end 并且只写一个新的 back-end 如果你想支持另一个目标平台。如果您想添加对另一种源语言的支持,您也可以保留 back-end 并只写一个新的 front-end。
另一种方法是使用full-blown 编程语言作为中间表示。例如,您的新编译器可能生成 C 代码,然后可以由任何 C 编译器将其编译为机器代码。 C++的第一个实现did exactly this. C has a number of drawbacks as a compiler target language; there have been efforts to create languages better suited for the task (see e.g. C--, which is used internally by GHC(一个Haskell编译器))。
f2c 将 Fortran 77 翻译成 C 代码。所以这可能是您正在寻找的示例。
全部general-purpose programming languages are Turing complete。这意味着它们中的任何一个都可以翻译成另一个。
是的,这是一种创造新语言的技术。成为 C++ 的第一个实验被翻译成 C 进行编译。摘自 http://wiki.c2.com/?CeeAsAnIntermediateLanguage:
Examples of using C in this fashion:
CeeFront; the original implementation of C++, translated to C.
Comeau C++ (http://www.comeaucomputing.com/) translates C++ to C. It is the first C++ compiler to provide full core language support for standard C++.
Several Java-to-C translators out there (some translate Java source; others translate JavaByteCode to C)
Many experimental language compilers use C as a backend, rather than emitting assembly language directly.
SqueakSmalltalk's VirtualMachine is written in a subset of Smalltalk which gets translated to C and fed to the C compiler. The VirtualMachine used by Scheme48 is written in a StaticallyTyped SchemeLanguage dialect called PreScheme which is compiled to C. (The PreScheme compiler itself is written in full Scheme.)
Several SchemeImplementations compile to C (e.g. RScheme, Bigloo and Chicken). These Schemes often use the technique described in CheneyOnTheMta to provide support for ProperTailRecursion.
最近,针对 JavaScript 的一个子集的编译器已经创建,能够进行高效的即时编译 - emscripten。
如果您将汇编语言和高级语言一起计算在内,WebAssembly 或其他字节码语言也适合。