如何使用 PHP SQL 解析器将数组值转换为 MySQL 查询?

How to convert array values to MySQL query using PHP SQL Parser?



    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/PHPSQLParser.php';

    $sql = 'SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
    FROM Orders
    LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID where 
    Customers.CustomerName = "Siddhu"'; 

    $sql = strtolower($sql);
    echo $sql . "\n";
    $parser = new PHPSQLParser($sql, true);
    echo "<pre>";


Array (
    [SELECT] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [expr_type] => colref
                    [alias] => 
                    [base_expr] => orders.orderid
                    [no_quotes] => orders.orderid
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [delim] => ,
                    [position] => 7

            [1] => Array
                    [expr_type] => colref
                    [alias] => 
                    [base_expr] => customers.customername
                    [no_quotes] => customers.customername
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [delim] => ,
                    [position] => 23

            [2] => Array
                    [expr_type] => colref
                    [alias] => 
                    [base_expr] => orders.orderdate
                    [no_quotes] => orders.orderdate
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [delim] => 
                    [position] => 47


    [FROM] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [expr_type] => table
                    [table] => orders
                    [no_quotes] => orders
                    [alias] => 
                    [join_type] => JOIN
                    [ref_type] => 
                    [ref_clause] => 
                    [base_expr] => orders
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [position] => 70

            [1] => Array
                    [expr_type] => table
                    [table] => customers
                    [no_quotes] => customers
                    [alias] => 
                    [join_type] => LEFT
                    [ref_type] => ON
                    [ref_clause] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [expr_type] => colref
                                    [base_expr] => orders.customerid
                                    [no_quotes] => orders.customerid
                                    [sub_tree] => 
                                    [position] => 101

                            [1] => Array
                                    [expr_type] => operator
                                    [base_expr] => =
                                    [sub_tree] => 
                                    [position] => 118

                            [2] => Array
                                    [expr_type] => colref
                                    [base_expr] => customers.customerid
                                    [no_quotes] => customers.customerid
                                    [sub_tree] => 
                                    [position] => 119


                    [base_expr] => customers on orders.customerid=customers.customerid
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [position] => 88


    [WHERE] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [expr_type] => colref
                    [base_expr] => customers.customername
                    [no_quotes] => customers.customername
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [position] => 146

            [1] => Array
                    [expr_type] => operator
                    [base_expr] => =
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [position] => 169

            [2] => Array
                    [expr_type] => const
                    [base_expr] => "siddhu"
                    [sub_tree] => 
                    [position] => 171



现在我想使用这个数组生成查询。我为什么要这样做,稍后我会向这个数组添加额外的参数。就像我在 WHERE 子句或 Table


例如: 上一个查询

 $sql = 'SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
    FROM Orders
    LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID where 
    Customers.CustomerName = "Siddhu"';

现在我想在 where 条件 Customers.CustomerID = "123" and status = "Active" and created_by = 1;[=19= 之后在 where 子句中传递另外两个条件]


  $sql = 'SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
    FROM Orders
    LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID where 
    Customers.CustomerName = "Siddhu" AND Customers.CustomerID = "123" and status = "Active" and created_by = 1;



我相信您想使用第一个查询的输出并生成另一个带有附加 where 子句的查询。您可能只能通过在原始查询本身中使用 CONCAT 的简单附加 select 子句来做到这一点。将您的硬编码原始查询与所需列连接起来,并生成动态 SQL 作为附加输出列。

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate,
       CONCAT("SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate  FROM Orders LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID WHERE Customers.CustomerName = \"Siddhu\"", " AND Customers.CustomerID = \"", Customers.CustomerID, " and status = \"Active\" and created_by = 1;")
FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID
WHERE Customers.CustomerName = "Siddhu"

如果状态字段也来自其中一个表,那么您可以中断 CONCAT 函数并改用该列名。希望能帮助到你。

要从数组构建查询,PHPSQLParser 有一个 creator 方法,

来自此处的文档:Parser manual

There are two ways in which you can create statements from parser output

Use the constructor

The constructor simply calls the create() method on the provided parser tree output for convenience.

 $parser = new PHPSQLParser('select 1');

 $creator = new PHPSQLCreator($parser->parsed);

 echo $creator->created;

Use the create() method

 $parser = new PHPSQLParser('select 2');

 $creator = new PHPSQLCreator();

 echo $creator->create($parser->parsed); 

 /* this is okay, the SQL is saved in the _created_ property. */

 /* get the SQL statement for the last parsed statement */

 $save = $creator->created;


echo $creator->create($myArray); 


每个条件都有 3 个数组定义 colref(列名)、operator(以及 .. 运算符)和 const(值)

棘手的部分是 WHERE 的子数组中的 position,因为您需要指定要插入这三个中的每一个的确切位置,因此基于 WHERE 在您提供的示例中,您可以看到运算符 = 的位置是 169 (从 0 开始)

检查此工具以查看 character position in a string(从 1 开始)。

并基于此Complexe example

你最终的 WHERE 数组应该是这样的(不过我不确定你是否需要 [no_quotes] 键):

[WHERE] => Array
    [0] => Array
            [expr_type] => colref
            [base_expr] => customers.customername
            [no_quotes] => customers.customername
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 146

    [1] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => =
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 169

    [2] => Array
            [expr_type] => const
            [base_expr] => "siddhu"
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 171
    // adding other conditions 

    [3] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => and
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 180
    [4] => Array
            [expr_type] => colref
            [base_expr] => customers.CustomerID 
            [no_quotes] => customers.CustomerID 
            [position] => 184

    [5] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => =
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 205

    [6] => Array
            [expr_type] => const
            [base_expr] => "123"
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 207
    [7] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => and
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 213
    [8] => Array
            [expr_type] => colref
            [base_expr] => status 
            [no_quotes] => status
            [position] => 217

    [9] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => =
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 224

    [10] => Array
            [expr_type] => const
            [base_expr] => "Active"
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 226
    [11] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => and
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 235
    [12] => Array
            [expr_type] => colref
            [base_expr] => created_by  
            [no_quotes] => created_by 
            [position] => 239

    [13] => Array
            [expr_type] => operator
            [base_expr] => =
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 250

    [14] => Array
            [expr_type] => const
            [base_expr] => 1
            [sub_tree] => 
            [position] => 252

PS :我在您提供的多个条件下使用了查询,并取消了缩进和换行符以找出位置,如果您可以使用这些值没有所需的字符串输出,因为这应该只是一个示例。
