.ContinueWith() 和对象状态

.ContinueWith() and object state


public async Task<string> DecryptAsync(string encrypted)
    SymmetricAlgorithm aes = this.GetAes();

    return await this.DecryptAsync(aes, encrypted).ContinueWith(
        (decryptTask, objectState) =>
            (objectState as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
            return decryptTask.Result;

public async Task<string> DecryptAsync(string encrypted)
    SymmetricAlgorithm aes = this.GetAes();

    return await this.DecryptAsync(aes, encrypted).ContinueWith(decryptTask =>
        return decryptTask.Result;

主要区别在于,第二个捕获 lambda 中的 aes 变量,而第一个将其作为参数传递,然后将其转换为适当的类型。

第三个考虑,灵感来自Oxald and Servy

public async Task<string> DecryptAsync(string encrypted)
    using (SymmetricAlgorithm aes = this.GetAes())
        return await this.DecryptAsync(aes, encrypted);

考虑使用 await 而不是 ContinueWith。 await 的结果等于 Task.Result。可以使用 using 语句完成 aes 的处理:

public async Task<string> DecryptAsync(string encrypted)
    using (SymmetricAlgorithm aes = this.GetAes())
        string decryptedText = await this.DecryptAsync(aes, encrypted);
        return decryptedText;