C++ 中代码块的聚合墙时间

Aggregate wall time of code blocks in C++

我的代码库很大,我想手动添加一些计时器来分析代码的某些部分。 其中一些部分在一个循环中,所以我想汇总每次迭代在那里花费的所有时间。

我想用 Pythonic 伪代码做什么:

time_step_1 = 0
time_step_2 = 0
for pair in pairs:

    start_step_1 = time.now()
    time_step_1 += start_step_1 - time.now()

    start_step_2 = time.now()
    time_step_2 += start_step_2 - time.now()

print("Time spent in step 1", time_step_1)
print("Time spent in step 2", time_step_2)

C++ 中是否有库可以执行此操作? 否则你会推荐使用 boost::timer,创建一个计时器映射,然后在每次迭代时恢复和停止吗?

不是很高级,但对于基本的时间测量,您可以使用 std::chrono 库,特别是 std::chrono::high_resolution_clock - 时钟 具有实现提供的最小滴答周期(=最高精度)。

对于一些更琐碎的时间测量,我使用了类似于此的 RAII classes:

#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class TimeMeasureGuard {
    using clock_type = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;

    const std::string m_testName;
    std::ostream& m_os;

    clock_type::time_point started_at;
    clock_type::time_point ended_at;

    TimeMeasureGuard(const std::string& testName, std::ostream& os = std::cerr)
        : m_testName(testName), m_os(os)
        started_at = clock_type::now();

        ended_at = clock_type::now();

        // Get duration
        const auto duration = ended_at - started_at;

        // Get duration in nanoseconds
        const auto durationNs = std::chrono::nanoseconds(duration).count();
        // ...or in microseconds:
        const auto durationUs
            = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count();

        // Report total run time into 'm_os' stream
        m_os << "[Test " << std::quoted(m_testName) << "]: Total run time: "
             << durationNs << " ns, " << "or: " << durationUs << " us" << std::endl;


您可以像这样使用 class:

std::uint64_t computeSquares()
    std::uint64_t interestingNumbers = 0;
        auto time_measurement = TimeMeasureGuard("Test1");

        for (std::uint64_t x = 0; x < 1'000; ++x) {
            for (std::uint64_t y = 0; y < 1'000; ++y) {
                if ((x * y) % 42 == 0)
    return interestingNumbers;

int main()
    std::cout << "Computing all x * y, where 'x' and 'y' are from 1 to 1'000..."
              << std::endl;
    const auto res = computeSquares();
    std::cerr << "Interesting numbers found: " << res << std::endl;

    return 0;


Computing all x * y, where 'x' and 'y' are from 1 to 1'000...
[Test "Test1"]: Total run time: 6311371 ns, or: 6311 us
Interesting numbers found: 111170

对于简单的时间测量情况,这可能比使用 一个完整的计时器库,它只是几行代码,你不需要 需要包括很多 headers.