如何仅从 CLLocation 中获取纬度和经度值,而不是在 swift 中获取完整的位置详细信息

How to take only Latitude and Longitude values from CLLocation instead of taking full location details in swift

我正在尝试从 cllocation 中获取纬度和经度值。它即将提供完整的位置数据。因为我只需要纬度和经度数据来发送我的后端。我必须向服务器发送多个纬度和经度数据。

即使我尝试使用 CLLocationCoordinate2D,但是,它在发送到服务器时在数据中使用 CLLocationCoordinate。

I want to take in single array both latitude and longitude, not in two arrays.

Can anyone suggest me, how to take only latitude and longitude values to append to array in swift?


    var myLocations: [CLLocation] = []

    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
        myLocations.append(locations[0] as CLLocation)

output is
<+10.92088132,+77.56955708> +/- 1414.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 22/03/18, 1:17:30 PM India Standard Time

[<+10.92088132,+77.56955708> +/- 1414.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 22/03/18, 1:17:30 PM India Standard Time]


let loc = myLocations.last

let lat = currentLocation.coordinate.latitude

let lon = currentLocation.coordinate.longitude


    var myLocations: [String] = []

    let last = locations[0] as CLLocation

    var  location = CLLocation()
    location = myLocations.last! as CLLocation   
    let lat = location.coordinate.latitude
    let longit = location.coordinate.longitude