使用 Shapeless.LabelledGeneric 派生 CoProduct 实例时找不到隐式

Cannot find implicit when deriving CoProduct instances using Shapeless.LabelledGeneric

我正在学习 Shapeless,无法解决编译错误。 我正在处理使用 LabelledGeneric 派生 CoProduct 实例并面临编译错误的示例。 编译在 IDE 以及我 运行 通过 SBT 时都失败了。 这是一个完整的示例,因此应该能够复制粘贴此代码并轻松查看问题所在。

import shapeless.{ :+:, ::, CNil, Coproduct, HList, HNil, Inl, Inr, LabelledGeneric, Lazy, Witness }
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType

class DerivingCoProductInstancesWithLabelledGeneric {

  sealed trait JsonValue
  final case class JsonObject(fields: List[(String, JsonValue)]) extends JsonValue
  final case class JsonArray(items: List[JsonValue]) extends JsonValue
  final case class JsonString(value: String) extends JsonValue
  final case class JsonNumber(value: Double) extends JsonValue
  final case class JsonBoolean(value: Boolean) extends JsonValue
  final case object JsonNull extends JsonValue

  sealed trait Shape
  final case class Rectangle(width: Double, height: Double) extends Shape
  final case class Circle(radius: Double) extends Shape

  trait JSONEncoder[A] {
    def encode(value: A): JsonValue
  //Companion object that returns a implicitly available JSONEncoder satisfying the type requirements
  object JSONEncoder {
    def apply[A](implicit encoder: JSONEncoder[A]): JSONEncoder[A] = encoder

  //Make creation of JSON Encoders a little more generic by passing in the function
  def createJSONEncoder[A](func: A => JsonValue): JSONEncoder[A] = new JSONEncoder[A] {
    def encode(value: A) = func(value)

  //Few instances of the type class with primitive types
  implicit val jsonStringEncoder = createJSONEncoder[String](str => JsonString(str))
  implicit val jsonBooleanEncoder = createJSONEncoder[Boolean](bool => JsonBoolean(bool))
  implicit val jsonNumberEncoder = createJSONEncoder[Double](doubleNum => JsonNumber(doubleNum))
  implicit val jsonIntEncoder = createJSONEncoder[Int](intNum => JsonNumber(intNum))

  //Some combinator types
  implicit def listEncoder[A](implicit enc: JSONEncoder[A]): JSONEncoder[List[A]] =
    createJSONEncoder(list => JsonArray(list.map(enc.encode)))

  implicit def optionEncoder[A](implicit enc: JSONEncoder[A]): JSONEncoder[Option[A]] =
    createJSONEncoder(option => option.map(enc.encode).getOrElse(JsonNull))

  //Now to do product derivation we would need to create encoders to represent a HList

  trait JsonObjectEncoder[A] extends JSONEncoder[A] {
    def encode(value: A): JsonObject

  def createObjectEncoder[A](fn: A => JsonObject): JsonObjectEncoder[A] =
    new JsonObjectEncoder[A] {
      def encode(value: A): JsonObject =

  //Derive defn for HNil and ::
  implicit val hnilEncoder: JsonObjectEncoder[HNil] =
    createObjectEncoder(hnil => JsonObject(Nil))

  implicit def hlistObjectEncoder[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
    witness: Witness.Aux[K],
    hEncoder: Lazy[JSONEncoder[H]],
    tEncoder: JsonObjectEncoder[T]
  ): JsonObjectEncoder[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
    val fieldName: String = witness.value.name
    createObjectEncoder { hlist =>
      val head = hEncoder.value.encode(hlist.head)
      val tail = tEncoder.encode(hlist.tail)
      JsonObject((fieldName, head) :: tail.fields)

  implicit val cnilObjectEncoder: JsonObjectEncoder[CNil] =
    createObjectEncoder(cnil => throw new Exception("Inconceivable!"))

  implicit def coproductObjectEncoder[K <: Symbol, H, T <: Coproduct](
    witness: Witness.Aux[K],
    hEncoder: Lazy[JSONEncoder[H]],
    tEncoder: JsonObjectEncoder[T]
  ): JsonObjectEncoder[FieldType[K, H] :+: T] = {
    val typeName = witness.value.name
    createObjectEncoder {
      case Inl(h) =>
        JsonObject(List(typeName -> hEncoder.value.encode(h)))
      case Inr(t) =>

  implicit def genericObjectEncoder[A, H <: HList](
    generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, H],
    hEncoder: Lazy[JsonObjectEncoder[H]]
  ): JSONEncoder[A] =
    createObjectEncoder { value =>

  val shape: Shape = Circle(1.0)


implicit def genericObjectEncoder[A, H /*<: HList*/](
                                                      generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, H],
                                                      hEncoder: Lazy[JsonObjectEncoder[H]]
                                                    ): JSONEncoder[A] =
      createObjectEncoder { value =>

ShapeLabelledGeneric 转换为不是 HList 而是副产品。