无法从 ssh 在 linux yocto 上启动 weston

Unable to launch weston on linux yocto from ssh

我的错误 "no drm device found" 如下所示。 我认为邮件错误是致命的:无法创建 compoitor 后端。 我的库中有以下内容 desktop-shell.so drm-backend.so fbdev-backend.so fullscreen-shell.so gl-renderer.so hmi-controller.so ivi-shell.so wayland -backend.so x11-backend.so

root@salvator-x:/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants# /usr/bin/weston-launch \
  -u root --  --idle-time=0 --config=/etc/xdg/weston/weston-drm-hdmi.ini  $OPTARGS
Date: 2018-02-26 UTC
[21:29:08.949] weston 1.11.0
               Bug reports to: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Wayland&component=weston&version=1.11.0
               Build: a9df8430-dirty v4l2-renderer: Fix calcluation of clip region (2017-04-13 18:25:00 +0900)
[21:29:08.949] OS: Linux, 4.9.0-yocto-standard, #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 26 17:46:03 EST 2018, aarch64
[21:29:08.949] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston-drm-hdmi.ini'
[21:29:08.950] Output repaint window is 34 ms maximum.
[21:29:08.950] Loading module '/usr/lib/weston/drm-backend.so'
[21:29:08.954] initializing drm backend
[21:29:08.954] logind: failed to get session seat
[21:29:08.954] logind: cannot setup systemd-logind helper (-61), using legacy fallback
[21:29:08.955] no drm device found
[21:29:08.955] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
failed to restore keyboard mode: Bad file descriptor
failed to set KD_TEXT mode on tty: Bad file descriptor
could not reset vt handling

如何在 linux yocto 上启动 weston?


所以..我找到了问题的答案 它有三个错误 logind (systemd) was having trouble access the input keyboard type 第二个是未找到 drm 设备,这意味着您无法访问输出端口。尝试对端口进行故障排除,使其可供开发板访问,然后尝试使用正确的配置启动 weston。

注意:如果您没有连接键盘或鼠标(最好是 USB),Weston wayland 将无法启动