Stacking Tiles (Hard algorithm)
Stacking Tiles
Stacking tiles against the wall is one of Bongani's favourite pasttimes. His tiles all have the same thickness, but vary
in width and height. Bongani is given N tiles and has to use them in
the sequence given according to a set of rules. He can place a tile on
top of another only if it is narrower than the previously stacked
tile. Bongani is allowed to rotate the tiles by 90 degrees so that
width becomes height and height becomes width. He is also allowed to
discard a tile altogether. Given a list of tiles, help Bongani find
the highest stack he can build The example specifies tiles (3, 3),
(12, 5), (5, 8), (6, 10). To get the highest stack Bongani ignores the
first tile (3, 3) as it is smaller than the next tile. He uses the
next tile (12, 5) with 12 as the width and 5 as the height. He uses
the next two tiles with 8 as the width and 5 as the height followed by
6 as the width and 10 as the height.
可以在此处找到确切的问题 http://www.olympiad.org.za/olympiad/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2011PO-R2-Questions-0421.pdf(问题 5)
你只要按顺序尝试你能做的第一件事,当你不能继续的时候,你就回去尝试你之前没有尝试过的那个。只是 google "Sudoku Backtracking" 有很多页面解释了这一点。
在这种情况下回溯的巨大优势在于,它 "cuts" 关闭了很多没有意义的场景,因此它比尝试检查每个可能的组合更有效。
(就像在数独游戏中一样,通过回溯,大多数数独游戏在 1000-10000 步内解决,这非常好,因为您可以写出所有可能的数字组合是 ~10^60)
你 "move from left to right" 并且你找出每个方块
- 我可以使用这个未旋转的方块
- 我可以使用这个旋转的方块
- 我可以不使用这个方块
第一个关键观察是每个问题都可以递归回答 ("how high tower can I build for the remaining tiles if the current width is updated according to my current choice?")。伪代码:
maxHeight(tiles, currentWidth) {
// Base case
if (tiles.isEmpty())
return 0; // no tiles -> maxHeight == 0
int h = 0;
currentTile = tiles[0]
remainingTiles = tiles[1...]
// Compute maxHeight for the case when not using current tile
h = max(h, maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentWidth)
// Compute maxHeight when using current tile
if (currentWidth > currentTile.width)
subHeight = maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentTile.width)
h = max(h, subHeight + currentTile.height)
// Compute maxHeight when using current tile rotated
if (currentWidth > currentTile.height)
subHeight = maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentTile.height)
h = max(h, subHeight + currentTile.width)
return h
第二个关键观察是 maxHeight
M[tileN][width] = the height of the tower possible to build from
tileN onwards with width 'width'
(您可能会注意到 width
没有明确的上限。这可以通过在开始之前将所有值映射到 1, 2, 3, ...
来解决。最大宽度将为 2N。)
这是一个使用动态规划的二次时间算法。设 f(i) 是您可以使用原始方向的第 i 个块而不是后面的块建造的塔的最大高度。设 g(i) 是您可以建造的塔的最大高度,其中第 i 个方块旋转且后面的方块不旋转。请注意,块可以省略,因此要计算 f(i),您必须比所有先前与该方向兼容的 f 和 g 值的最大值多 1,对于 g(i) 也是如此。最后,答案是所有 f(i) 和 g(i) 中的最大值。
以下代码显示了 f 的代码。你可以类似地写 g ,或者修改它以采用另一个参数来判断块 i 是否处于原始方向。
public int f(int i)
if (i == 0)
return 1;
if (memoF[i] > 0)
return memoF[i];
int maxFound = 1; // using just this block is legal
for (int j = 0; j<i; j++){
if (widths[i] < widths[j])
maxFound = Math.max(f(j)+1,maxFound);
if (widths[i] < heights[j])
maxFound = Math.max(g(j)+1,maxFound);
memoF[i] = maxFound;
return memoF[i];
Stacking Tiles
Stacking tiles against the wall is one of Bongani's favourite pasttimes. His tiles all have the same thickness, but vary in width and height. Bongani is given N tiles and has to use them in the sequence given according to a set of rules. He can place a tile on top of another only if it is narrower than the previously stacked tile. Bongani is allowed to rotate the tiles by 90 degrees so that width becomes height and height becomes width. He is also allowed to discard a tile altogether. Given a list of tiles, help Bongani find the highest stack he can build The example specifies tiles (3, 3), (12, 5), (5, 8), (6, 10). To get the highest stack Bongani ignores the first tile (3, 3) as it is smaller than the next tile. He uses the next tile (12, 5) with 12 as the width and 5 as the height. He uses the next two tiles with 8 as the width and 5 as the height followed by 6 as the width and 10 as the height.
我唯一能想到的就是获取所有可能的有效排列并找到最高排列。 可以在此处找到确切的问题 http://www.olympiad.org.za/olympiad/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2011PO-R2-Questions-0421.pdf(问题 5)
你只要按顺序尝试你能做的第一件事,当你不能继续的时候,你就回去尝试你之前没有尝试过的那个。只是 google "Sudoku Backtracking" 有很多页面解释了这一点。
在这种情况下回溯的巨大优势在于,它 "cuts" 关闭了很多没有意义的场景,因此它比尝试检查每个可能的组合更有效。 (就像在数独游戏中一样,通过回溯,大多数数独游戏在 1000-10000 步内解决,这非常好,因为您可以写出所有可能的数字组合是 ~10^60)
你 "move from left to right" 并且你找出每个方块
- 我可以使用这个未旋转的方块 建造多高的塔
- 我可以使用这个旋转的方块 建造多高的塔
- 我可以不使用这个方块 建造多高的塔
第一个关键观察是每个问题都可以递归回答 ("how high tower can I build for the remaining tiles if the current width is updated according to my current choice?")。伪代码:
maxHeight(tiles, currentWidth) {
// Base case
if (tiles.isEmpty())
return 0; // no tiles -> maxHeight == 0
int h = 0;
currentTile = tiles[0]
remainingTiles = tiles[1...]
// Compute maxHeight for the case when not using current tile
h = max(h, maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentWidth)
// Compute maxHeight when using current tile
if (currentWidth > currentTile.width)
subHeight = maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentTile.width)
h = max(h, subHeight + currentTile.height)
// Compute maxHeight when using current tile rotated
if (currentWidth > currentTile.height)
subHeight = maxHeight(remainingTiles, currentTile.height)
h = max(h, subHeight + currentTile.width)
return h
第二个关键观察是 maxHeight
M[tileN][width] = the height of the tower possible to build from
tileN onwards with width 'width'
(您可能会注意到 width
没有明确的上限。这可以通过在开始之前将所有值映射到 1, 2, 3, ...
来解决。最大宽度将为 2N。)
这是一个使用动态规划的二次时间算法。设 f(i) 是您可以使用原始方向的第 i 个块而不是后面的块建造的塔的最大高度。设 g(i) 是您可以建造的塔的最大高度,其中第 i 个方块旋转且后面的方块不旋转。请注意,块可以省略,因此要计算 f(i),您必须比所有先前与该方向兼容的 f 和 g 值的最大值多 1,对于 g(i) 也是如此。最后,答案是所有 f(i) 和 g(i) 中的最大值。
以下代码显示了 f 的代码。你可以类似地写 g ,或者修改它以采用另一个参数来判断块 i 是否处于原始方向。
public int f(int i)
if (i == 0)
return 1;
if (memoF[i] > 0)
return memoF[i];
int maxFound = 1; // using just this block is legal
for (int j = 0; j<i; j++){
if (widths[i] < widths[j])
maxFound = Math.max(f(j)+1,maxFound);
if (widths[i] < heights[j])
maxFound = Math.max(g(j)+1,maxFound);
memoF[i] = maxFound;
return memoF[i];