如何在 iOS 应用程序中集成 Atom 支付网关?

How to integrate Atom payment gateway in iOS app?

我是扩展名为 .a 的静态库的新手,我正在尝试将原子技术支付网关实现到 iOS 应用程序。他们提供 2 个文件 1.libAtomPayLib(Live).a 2.libAtomPayLib(UAT).a 还有一个非常简短的文档

根据他们的文档,我已将 .a 文件添加到项目中,"added other link flag"“$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC”。


Add Bundle ”resourcesLib” in Build Phases selecting your project target(Copy Bundle Resources).


    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"
#import "NSString+DES.h"
#import "NSData+DES.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate,nbDelegate,cardDelegate>
NSXMLParser *parser;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *InitiateRequest;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSXMLParser *parser;

-(IBAction)callVC:(id)sender;//Call for all transaction


我试图在 viewcontroller.h 文件中使用此代码,但出现错误 "nb.h not found" 我猜这些 headers 来自图书馆,如果它与项目正确链接 nb.h 将随处可用。我还添加了文档详细信息

ATOM Mobile SDK Integration

Atom 移动集成旨在使您能够通过移动应用程序处理付款。

集成类型:- Non-Seamless:


•   Create new Group in your project hierarch & add all the files from “payAtom” in it.
•   Select your Project from Left Panel
•   Go to targets tab & select the application
•   Go to Build Setting & select Basic & Combined Tabs
•   Add the following property as shown below


•   Select the project file from the project navigator on the far left side of the window.

•   Select the target for where you want to add the linker flag.

•   Select the "Build Settings" tab

•   Choose "All" to show all Build Settings.

•   Scroll down to the "Linking" section, and double-click to the right of where it says "Other Linking Flags".
•   A box will appear, Click on the "+" button to add a new linker flag.

•   Type "$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC" (no quotes) and press enter.

•   Add Bundle ”resourcesLib” in Build Phases selecting your project target(Copy Bundle Resources).


•   Merchant will design a screen wherein he will accept all the required fields including the bank detail, payment options and card details.
•   Pass the data to Library as follows in the same format:

ViewController.h 文件

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"
#import "NSString+DES.h"
#import "NSData+DES.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate,nbDelegate,cardDelegate>
NSXMLParser *parser;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *InitiateRequest;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSXMLParser *parser;

-(IBAction)callVC:(id)sender;//Call for all transaction


ViewController.m 文件

#import "ViewController.h"
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController
@synthesize parser;
    •   (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad];

    •   (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


nb *netB = [[nb alloc] init]; netB.myDelegate = self; netB.loginid=@"459"; netB.txnscamt=@"0"; netB.loginid=@"459"; netB.password=@"Test@123"; netB.prodid=@"NSE"; netB.txncurr=@"INR"; netB.clientcode=@"001"; netB.custacc=@"100000036600"; netB.amt=@"100.000"; netB.txnid=@"9Q6";//unique each time
netB.date=@"23/08/2010%2011:57:00";//unique each time netB.bankid=@"2001"; netB.ru=@"https://paynetzuat.atomtech.in/paynetz/param"; [self presentViewController:netB animated:YES completion:nil];

-(void)secondviewcontrollerDissmissed:(NSString *)stringToFirst
NSString *getResult; getResult = stringToFirst;
NSLog(@"received---->%@",getResult); //This will return status success or Fail of Transaction


通常静态库(如 libAtomPayLib.a)只包含代码,而不包含 UI 资源(如图像、声音、字体、配置文件等)。解决它的一种方法是提供资源包。 bundle 实际上是一个包含各种文件的目录,但在 macOS 上(使用 Finder 等程序)它看起来像一个文件(例如 resourcesLib.bundle)。如果你只是将这样的文件添加到你的项目 Xcode (默认情况下)实际上会将它添加到你的 "copy bundle resources" 阶段。您可以通过转到 TARGETS、select 您的目标、打开 "Build Phases" 并展开 "Copy Bundle Resources".


构建应用程序后,您实际上可以通过展开 "Products" 组、right-click 您的 Example.app "Show in Finder" 来确保捆绑包已被复制,然后右键单击该文件和 "Show Package Contents"。您应该看到在您的应用中复制了哪些文件,包括资源包。

如果您将一些 "test.a" 静态库文件添加到您的项目中,默认的 Xcode 行为是将其添加到 "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" 列表中。您可以通过转到 TARGETS 来验证它,select 您的目标,打开 "General" 并向下滚动到 "Linked Frameworks and Libraries".

这是atom支付网关的问题,他们应该提供.h文件和.a文件,但下载的文件中没有。因此,我使用了另一种解决方案,即使用 Web 视图来集成 Atom 支付网关。我创建了一个 class 以获得付款 url。此方法使用同项目网站中使用的网页支付网关。

import Foundation
import Alamofire
import SwiftyXMLParser

class PaymentData {

    var totalPrice:String
    var taxId:String
    var userName:String
    var email:String
    var mobile:String
    var userId:String
    var currentDateTimeString:String
    init(totalPrice:String) {

        let time = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
        let taxId = "WVC"+String(time)
        let userId = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "UserId")
        let name = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "full_name")
        let phone = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "phone")
        let email = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "email")

        self.totalPrice = totalPrice
        self.taxId = taxId
        self.userId = userId!
        self.email = email!
        self.mobile = phone!
        self.userName = name!
        self.currentDateTimeString = NSDate().getStringWith(format: "dd/MM/yyyy")!


    func getVenderUrl()->String{
        // Create vender url using user details
        var vVenderURL:String = "https://payment.atomtech.in/paynetz/epi/fts?login=test&pass=test@123&ttype=NBFundTransfer&prodid=test&amt=" + "\(totalPrice)"+"&txncurr=INR&txnscamt=0&ru=https://www.test.in/payment-success&clientcode=lisas00940&txnid="+"\(taxId)"+"&date="+"\(currentDateTimeString)"+"&udf1="+"\(userName)"+"&udf2="+"\(email)"+"&udf3="+"\(mobile)"+"&udf4=Bangalore&custacc="+"\(userId)"+"";

        vVenderURL = vVenderURL.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")
        return vVenderURL


    func getRedirectUrl(callBack:@escaping (URL)->Void){
        // get url to load in webview
        var xmlURL:String = ""
        var xmlttype:String = ""
        var xmltoken:String = ""
        var xmltempTxnId:String = ""
        var xmltxnStage:String = ""

        let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
            "Authorization": "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==",
            "Accept": "application/json"

        // Call api for get payment url to load in webview
        Alamofire.request(getVenderUrl(), method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers)
            .responseString { response in

                var statusCode = response.response?.statusCode

                switch response.result {
                case .success:
                   // parsing xml data recieved from response, and extracting element required for generating the payment url
                    if let string = response.result.value {
                        print("XML: \(string)")
                        let xml = try! XML.parse(string)
                        xmlURL = xml["MMP","MERCHANT","RESPONSE","url"].text!
                        let params = xml["MMP","MERCHANT","RESPONSE","param"]

                        for param in params {

                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "ttype" {
                                xmlttype = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "tempTxnId" {
                                xmltempTxnId = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "token" {
                                xmltoken = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "txnStage" {
                                xmltxnStage = param.text!


                        // creating payment url from extracted data
                        var  Atom2Request:String = "\(xmlURL)" + "?ttype=" + "\(xmlttype)" + "&tempTxnId=" + "\(xmltempTxnId)" + "&token=" + "\(xmltoken)" + "&txnStage=" + "\(xmltxnStage)";
                        Atom2Request = Atom2Request.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20") //(" ", "%20");
                        print("ATOM 2nd Request URl" + "\(Atom2Request)")
                        callBack(URL.init(string: Atom2Request)!)

                case .failure(let error):
                    statusCode = error._code // statusCode private
                    print("status code is: \(String(describing: statusCode))")


此 class 有助于创建用于为 atom 支付网关生成 url 的数据,下一步是将此 url 加载到网络视图


@IBOutlet weak var paymentWebView: UIWebView!
    var paymentAmount:String?
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.title = "Payment Gateway"
        if paymentAmount != nil {

            let paymentData = PaymentData.init(totalPrice: paymentAmount!)
            paymentData.getRedirectUrl(callBack:{ url in

                let request = URLRequest(url: url)




在 Swift 中实施 Atom 支付网关非常简单..


  1. 从下面link下载SDK。 https://www.atomtech.in/help-resource/payment-gateway-integration-kits

  2. 解压缩文件。

  3. 运行 iOS 设备中 Xcode 中的‘testSample.xcodeproj’。别担心代码在 Objective C.

  4. 创建您自己的 Swift 项目。

  5. 在您的项目中创建一个文件夹“include”。在“include”文件夹下创建另一个嵌套文件夹“AtomPayLib”。

  6. 将所有 header 文件 (.h) 包括“resourceLib.bundle”从 testSample 项目拖到您的项目文件夹“AtomPayLib”。不要忘记选中目标的复选框。

  7. 只需为您的项目创建任何 Objective C ViewController class。 Xcode 会要求您将 Bridging Header 添加到您的项目中。选择是。 Bridging header 添加后删除新创建的 Objective class.

  8. 在桥接 Header 中添加以下两行。 #import“nb.h” #import“card.h”

  9. 在你的“AtomPay”按钮里面,你可以在你的项目中任何你喜欢的地方写下面的代码。 委托方法也写在它的正下方。不要忘记添加方法。还要将一致性 'nbDelegate' 添加到 ViewController class.

    //MARK: Atom Payment
    @IBAction func atomPay(_ sender: Any) 
        var netB = nb()
        netB.discriminator = "All"
        netB.myDelegate = self
        netB.merchantId = "197"
        netB.txnscamt = "0"
        netB.loginid = "197"
        netB.password = "Test@123"
        netB.txncurr = "INR"
        netB.amt = "100.00"
        netB.txnid = "013";
        netB.date = "23/08/2019 11:57:00"
        netB.bankid = "2001"
        netB.signatureRequest = "KEY123657234"
        netB.signatureResponse = "KEYRESP123657234"
        netB.prodid = "NSE"
        netB.isLive = false
        netB.ru = "https://paynetzuat.atomtech.in/mobilesdk/param"
    //    netB.customerName = "ABC";
    //    netB.customerEmailID = "abc@gmail.com";
    //    netB.customerMobileNo = "5555555555";
    //    netB.billingAddress = "Kolkata";
    //    netB.optionalUdf9 = "Peter";
    self.present(netB, animated: true) {


    func secondviewcontrollerDissmissed(_ stringForFirst: String!, 
    withResponseKeys ResponseKeyArray: NSMutableArray!, andResponseValues 
    ResponseValueArray: NSMutableArray!) {
    let deadlineTime = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(5)
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadlineTime) {
        //code to be executed on the main queue after delay


  10. 运行 您的 iOS 设备中的应用程序。
