两个subselect into "IN" (oracle, sql)

Two subselect into "IN" (oracle, sql)

如何使用 into "IN" 两个 subselect?


select colA, colB from table1 where colC in
                 (select T1 from tableT1 where colx = 'Y')
                 and ColD = 'Y';

我还需要 colC 将进入第二个子选择:

select colA, colB from table1 where colC in
                 ((select T1 from tableT1 where colx = 'Y')
                 (select T2 from tableT2 where colx = 'Y'))
                 and ColD = 'Y';


您可以使用 union:

where colC in
    select T1 from tableT1 where colx = 'Y'
    select T2 from tableT2 where colx = 'Y'
and ColD = 'Y'


select colA, colB from 
                 ((select T1 as T, ColA,colB from tableT1 where colx = 'Y')
                 (select  T2 as T, ColA,colB from tableT2 where colx = 'Y'))  as table1 where table1.T = ColC
                 and ColD = 'Y';

我假设 Colc 是一个值而不是一个列,因为您不能像您在问题中提到的那样使用列名来搜索值

I need too also that colC will be into second subselect:


select colA, colB
from   table1
where  colC in ( select T1 from tableT1 where colx = 'Y' )
AND    colC in ( select T2 from tableT2 where colx = 'Y' )
AND    ColD = 'Y';


select colA, colB
from   table1
where  (  colC in ( select T1 from tableT1 where colx = 'Y' )
       OR colC in ( select T2 from tableT2 where colx = 'Y' )
AND    ColD = 'Y';