将 Swift 字符串转换为 wchar_t

Convert Swift String to wchar_t

对于上下文:我正在尝试使用非常方便的 LibXL。我在 Obj-C 和 C++ 中成功地使用了它,但现在正试图移植到 Swift。为了更好地支持 Unicode,我需要将所有字符串作为 wchar_t*.

发送到 LibXL api


extension String {
    ///Function to convert a String into a wchar_t buffer.
    ///Don't forget to free the buffer!
    var wideChar: UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>? {
        get {
            guard let _cString = self.cString(using: .utf16) else {
                return nil
            let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>.allocate(capacity: _cString.count)
            memcpy(buffer, _cString, _cString.count)
            return buffer

对 LibXL 的调用似乎有效(收到 print 错误消息 returns 'Ok')。除非我尝试实际写入测试电子表格中的单元格。我得到 can't write row 0 in trial version:

if let name = "John Doe".wideChar, let passKey = "mac-f.....lots of characters...3".wideChar {
            xlBookSetKeyW(book, name, passKey)
            print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))

        if let sheetName = "Output".wideChar, let path = savePath.wideChar, let test = "Hello".wideChar {
            let sheet: SheetHandle = xlBookAddSheetW(book, sheetName, nil)
            xlSheetWriteStrW(sheet, 0, 0, test, sectionTitleFormat)
            print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))
            let success = xlBookSaveW(book, path)
            print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))

我假设我转换为 wchar_t* 的代码不正确。有人可以为我指出正确的方向吗..?

附录:感谢@MartinR 的回答。似乎块 'consumes' 中使用的任何指针。因此,例如,当使用

("Hello".withWideChars({ wCharacters in
   xlSheetWriteStrW(newSheet, destRow, destColumn, wCharacters, aFormatHandle)

writeStr 行执行后 aFormatHandle 将失效并且不可重复使用。有必要为每个写入命令创建一个新的 FormatHandle

这里有不同的问题。首先,String.cString(using:) 确实 不适用于 multi-byte 编码:

print("ABC".cString(using: .utf16)!)
// [65, 0]  ???

其次,wchar_t 包含 UTF-32 个代码点,而不是 UTF-16。 最后,在

let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>.allocate(capacity: _cString.count)
memcpy(buffer, _cString, _cString.count)

分配大小不包括尾随的空字符, 并且副本复制 _cString.count 字节, 而不是字符。

所有这些都可以解决,但我会建议一个不同的 API (类似于String.withCString(_:)方法):

extension String {
    /// Calls the given closure with a pointer to the contents of the string,
    /// represented as a null-terminated wchar_t array.
    func withWideChars<Result>(_ body: (UnsafePointer<wchar_t>) -> Result) -> Result {
        let u32 = self.unicodeScalars.map { wchar_t(bitPattern: [=12=].value) } + [0]
        return u32.withUnsafeBufferPointer { body([=12=].baseAddress!) }


let name = "John Doe"
let passKey = "secret"

name.withWideChars { wname in
    passKey.withWideChars { wpass in
        xlBookSetKeyW(book, wname, wpass)

并且 clean-up 是自动的。