是否有缓存或限制会扰乱作曲家对 gitolite 服务器的要求?

Is there a cache or a limit that would mess up composer requires from a gitolite server?

我在数字海洋上有一个 gitolite 服务器。它托管着越来越多的作曲家包。我似乎得到 "port 22: Connection refused" 当我 运行 composer require some/package IF that package has a lot of dependancies.我已经通过 sshd_conf - 无论如何这些东西都有很好的记录 - 但是有人知道 gitolite 是否有一些我可以调整的限制?我知道 gitolite 接管了 ssh 连接,但我在 rc 中找不到任何可以调整的东西。

Soes anyone know if gitolite has some limits I can adjust?

这就是 Gitolite Performance 描述的内容:

TOP TIP: If you have more than 2000 or so repos, then you should be using v3.2 or later;

如果问题仍然存在,那可能是服务器 (Digital Ocean) 方面的问题,他们的支持应该调查一下。
This thread 提到了几种可能性,包括:

You [could] have a IPS like fail2ban, which has blocked you for some reason. Go to the console and restart fail2ban, which normally clears any blocking: service fail2ban restart

OP Tarek Adam confirms :

Turned out to be ufw. (fail2ban was installed but idle.)
Same difference though (firewall related)