
How to access and manipulate multi-dimensional array by key names / path?

我必须在 PHP 中实现 setter,它允许我指定数组的键或子键(目标),将名称作为点分隔键值传递。


$arr = array('a' => 1,
             'b' => array(
                 'y' => 2,
                 'x' => array('z' => 5, 'w' => 'abc')
             'c' => null);

$key = 'b.x.z';
$path = explode('.', $key);


现在,给定一个变量值 $key 和一个不同的 $arr 值(具有不同的深度)。

如何设置 $key 引用的元素的值?


public static function get($name, $default = null)
    $setting_path = explode('.', $name);
    $val = $this->settings;

    foreach ($setting_path as $key) {
        if(array_key_exists($key, $val)) {
            $val = $val[$key];
        } else {
            $val = $default;
    return $val;

写一个 setter 比较困难,因为我成功地到达了正确的元素(从 $key),但是我不能在原始数组中设置值,我不知道如何一次指定所有键。


我为您提供的解决方案不是纯 PHP,而是使用 ouzo goodies concretely Arrays::getNestedValue 方法:

$arr = array('a' => 1,
    'b' => array(
        'y' => 2,
        'x' => array('z' => 5, 'w' => 'abc')
    'c' => null);

$key = 'b.x.z';
$path = explode('.', $key);

print_r(Arrays::getNestedValue($arr, $path));


$arr = array('a' => 1,
    'b' => array(
        'y' => 2,
        'x' => array('z' => 5, 'w' => 'abc')
    'c' => null);

Arrays::setNestedValue($arr, array('d', 'e', 'f'), 'value');

假设$path通过explode已经是一个数组(或添加到函数),那么你可以使用引用。您需要添加一些错误检查以防 $path 等无效(想想 isset):

$key = 'b.x.z';
$path = explode('.', $key);


function get($path, $array) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $temp =& $array;

    foreach($path as $key) {
        $temp =& $temp[$key];
    return $temp;

$value = get($path, $arr); //returns NULL if the path doesn't exist


此组合将在现有数组中设置一个值,或者如果您传递一个尚未定义的数组,则创建该数组。确保定义要通过引用传递的 $array &$array:

function set($path, &$array=array(), $value=null) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $temp =& $array;

    foreach($path as $key) {
        $temp =& $temp[$key];
    $temp = $value;

set($path, $arr);
set($path, $arr, 'some value');


这将 unset 路径中的最终键:

function unsetter($path, &$array) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $temp =& $array;

    foreach($path as $key) {
        if(!is_array($temp[$key])) {
        } else {
            $temp =& $temp[$key];
unsetter($path, $arr);



确保定义 $array 以通过引用传递 &$array:

function set(&$array, $path, $value) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $temp =& $array;

    foreach($path as $key) {
        $temp =& $temp[$key];
    $temp = $value;

set($arr, $path, 'some value');

或者如果你想 return 更新数组(因为我很无聊):

function set($array, $path, $value) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $temp =& $array;

    foreach($path as $key) {
        $temp =& $temp[$key];
    $temp = $value;

    return $array;

$arr = set($arr, $path, 'some value');



function create($path, $value=null) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    foreach(array_reverse($path) as $key) {
        $value = array($key => $value);
    return $value;

$arr = create($path);    
$arr = create($path, 'some value');


给定一个字符串 b.x.z:

构造和计算类似 $array['b']['x']['z'] 的东西
function get($array, $path) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $path = "['" . implode("']['", $path) . "']";
    eval("$result = $array{$path};");

    return $result;

设置类似 $array['b']['x']['z'] = 'some value';:

function set(&$array, $path, $value) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $path = "['" . implode("']['", $path) . "']";
    eval("$array{$path} = $value;");

取消设置 $array['b']['x']['z']:

function unsetter(&$array, $path) {
    //$path = explode('.', $path); //if needed
    $path = "['" . implode("']['", $path) . "']";

我有一个经常使用的实用程序,我将与大家分享。不同之处在于它使用数组访问符号(例如 b[x][z])而不是点符号(例如 b.x.z)。通过文档和代码,它是不言自明的。

class Utils {
     * Gets the value from input based on path.
     * Handles objects, arrays and scalars. Nesting can be mixed.
     * E.g.: $input->a->b->c = 'val' or $input['a']['b']['c'] = 'val' will
     * return "val" with path "a[b][c]".
     * @see Utils::arrayParsePath
     * @param mixed $input
     * @param string $path
     * @param mixed $default Optional default value to return on failure (null)
     * @return NULL|mixed NULL on failure, or the value on success (which may also be NULL)
    public static function getValueByPath($input,$path,$default=null) {
        if ( !(isset($input) && (static::isIterable($input) || is_scalar($input))) ) {
            return $default; // null already or we can't deal with this, return early
        $pathArray = static::arrayParsePath($path);
        $last = &$input;
        foreach ( $pathArray as $key ) {
            if ( is_object($last) && property_exists($last,$key) ) {
                $last = &$last->$key;
            } else if ( (is_scalar($last) || is_array($last)) && isset($last[$key]) ) {
                $last = &$last[$key];
            } else {
                return $default;
        return $last;

     * Parses an array path like a[b][c] into a lookup array like array('a','b','c')
     * @param string $path
     * @return array
    public static function arrayParsePath($path) {
        if ( isset($matches[1]) ) {
            $matches = $matches[1];
        } else {
            $matches = array();
        if ( isset($name[1]) ) {
        } else {
            $matches = array();
        return $matches;

     * Check if a value/object/something is iterable/traversable, 
     * e.g. can it be run through a foreach? 
     * Tests for a scalar array (is_array), an instance of Traversable, and 
     * and instance of stdClass
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return boolean
    public static function isIterable($value) {
        return is_array($value) || $value instanceof Traversable || $value instanceof stdClass;

$arr = array('a' => 1,
             'b' => array(
                 'y' => 2,
                 'x' => array('z' => 5, 'w' => 'abc')
             'c' => null);

$key = 'b[x][z]';

var_dump(Utils::getValueByPath($arr,$key)); // int 5


作为 "getter",我过去用过这个:

$array = array('data' => array('one' => 'first', 'two' => 'second'));

$key = 'data.one';

function find($key, $array) {
    $parts = explode('.', $key);
    foreach ($parts as $part) {
        $array = $array[$part];
    return $array;

$result = find($key, $array);

如果数组的键是唯一的,您可以使用 array_walk_recursive:

    $arr = array('a' => 1,
        'b' => array(
            'y' => 2,
            'x' => array('z' => 5, 'w' => 'abc')
        'c' => null);

    function changeVal(&$v, $key, $mydata) {
        if($key == $mydata[0]) {
            $v = $mydata[1];

    $key = 'z';
    $value = '56';
    array_walk_recursive($arr, 'changeVal', array($key, $value));


此函数与已接受的答案相同,另外是通过引用添加第三个参数,如果存在密钥,则该参数设置为 true/false

function drupal_array_get_nested_value(array &$array, array $parents, &$key_exists = NULL) {
  $ref = &$array;
  foreach ($parents as $parent) {
    if (is_array($ref) && array_key_exists($parent, $ref)) {
      $ref = &$ref[$parent];
    else {
      $key_exists = FALSE;
      $null = NULL;
      return $null;
  $key_exists = TRUE;
  return $ref;


function array_get($key, $array) {
    return eval('return $array["' . str_replace('.', '"]["', $key) . '"];');

function array_set($key, &$array, $value=null) {
    eval('$array["' . str_replace('.', '"]["', $key) . '"] = $value;');

这两个函数都对一段代码执行 eval,其中键被转换为数组的一个元素作为 PHP 代码。并且它returns或者在相应的键上设置数组值。

这里是访问和操作 MD 数组的简单代码。但是没有证券。

setter :

eval('$vars = &$array["' . implode('"]["', explode('.', strtolower($dot_seperator_path))) . '"];');
$vars = $new_value;


eval('$vars = $array["' . implode('"]["', explode('.', strtolower($dot_seperator_path))) . '"];');
return $vars;

getter 的另一种解决方案,使用简单的 array_reduce 方法

@AbraCadaver 的解决方案很好,但不完整:

  • 缺少可选的分隔符参数并在需要时拆分
  • 如果尝试从 ['one' => 2]
  • 中的 'one.two' 等标量值获取密钥,则会引发错误


function get ($array, $path, $separator = '.') {
    if (is_string($path)) {
        $path = explode($separator, $path);

    return array_reduce(
        function ($carry, $item) {
            return $carry[$item] ?? null;

由于 ?? 运算符,它需要 PHP 7,但这可以很容易地更改为旧版本...

这是一种使用静态 class 的方法。这种风格的好处是您的配置将在您的应用程序中全局访问。

它的工作原理是采用关键路径,例如 "database.mysql.username" 并将字符串拆分为每个关键部分,然后移动指针以创建嵌套数组。

这种方法的好处是您可以提供部分键并取回配置值数组,而不仅限于最终值。它还使 "default values" 的实现变得微不足道。


Live Example

class Config
    private static $configStore = [];
    // This determines what separates the path
    // Examples: "." = 'example.path.value' or "/" = 'example/path/value'
    private static $separator = '.';

    public static function set($key, $value)
        $keys = explode(self::$separator, $key);

        // Start at the root of the configuration array
        $pointer = &self::$configStore;

        foreach ($keys as $keySet) {
            // Check to see if a key exists, if it doesn't, set that key as an empty array
            if (!isset($pointer[$keySet])) {
                $pointer[$keySet] = [];

            // Set the pointer to the current key
            $pointer = &$pointer[$keySet];

        // Because we kept changing the pointer in the loop above, the pointer should be sitting at our desired location
        $pointer = $value;

    public static function get($key, $defaultValue = null)
        $keys = explode(self::$separator, $key);

        // Start at the root of the configuration array
        $pointer = &self::$configStore;

        foreach ($keys as $keySet) {
            // If we don't have a key as a part of the path, we should return the default value (null)
            if (!isset($pointer[$keySet])) {
                return $defaultValue;
            $pointer = &$pointer[$keySet];

        // Because we kept changing the pointer in the loop above, the pointer should be sitting at our desired location
        return $pointer;

// Examples of how to use
Config::set('database.mysql.username', 'exampleUsername');
Config::set('database.mysql.password', 'examplePassword');
Config::set('database.mysql.database', 'exampleDatabase');
Config::set('database.mysql.host', 'exampleHost');

// Get back all the database configuration keys

// Get back a particular key from the database configuration

// Get back a particular key from the database configuration with a default if it doesn't exist
var_dump(Config::get('database.mysql.port', 3306));