我们可以在 Flutter 中检查设备是智能手机还是平板电脑?

Can we check the device to be smartphone or tablet in Flutter?

我实际上是想弄清楚该应用程序是 运行 在我的 flutter 应用程序中的智能手机还是平板电脑上,但是包 device_info 只能说明设备,而不能说明设备是否是智能手机或平板电脑。有没有办法通过检查设备的大小来做到这一点?

非常感谢 马希

尽管 iOS 在 phone 和平板电脑之间有明显的区别,但 Android 并没有发生这种情况。您需要根据屏幕宽度进行选择。



import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'dart:math';

class TabletDetector {

  // iPhone 6S 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 375.0x667.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 750.0x1334.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 765.1888655750291
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 667.0x375.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1334.0x750.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 765.1888655750291

  // iPhone X 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 375.0x812.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 1125.0x2436.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 894.4098613052072
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 812.0x375.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 2436.0x1125.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 894.4098613052072

  // iPhone XS Max 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 414.0x896.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 1242.0x2688.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 987.0217829409845
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 896.0x414.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 2688.0x1242.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 987.0217829409845

  // iPad Pro (9.7-inch) 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 768.0x1024.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1536.0x2048.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1280.0
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 1024.0x768.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2048.0x1536.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1280.0

  // iPad Pro (10.5-inch) 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 834.0x1112.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1668.0x2224.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1390.0
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 1112.0x834.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2224.0x1668.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1390.0

  // iPad Pro (12.9-inch) 
  // |_ [portrait]
  //    |_ size: 1024.0x1366.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2048.0x2732.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1707.2000468603555
  // |_ [horizontal]
  //    |_ size: 1366.0x1024.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2732.0x2048.0
  //       |_ diagonal: 1707.2000468603555

  static bool isTablet(MediaQueryData query) {
    var size = query.size;
    var diagonal = sqrt(
      (size.width * size.width) + 
      (size.height * size.height)

      'size: ${size.width}x${size.height}\n'
      'pixelRatio: ${query.devicePixelRatio}\n'
      'pixels: ${size.width * query.devicePixelRatio}x${size.height * query.devicePixelRatio}\n'
      'diagonal: $diagonal'

    var isTablet = diagonal > 1100.0;
    return isTablet;
// The equivalent of the "smallestWidth" qualifier on Android.
var shortestSide = MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide;

// Determine if we should use mobile layout or not, 600 here is
// a common breakpoint for a typical 7-inch tablet.
final bool useMobileLayout = shortestSide < 600;



如果您无权访问 BuildContext,则可以使用它。我从sdk/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart:1252.

  String getDeviceType() {
    final data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance.window);
    return data.size.shortestSide < 600 ? 'phone' :'tablet';

对于 Android 正如@Chandler 所说,您应该检查屏幕的最小尺寸,但是对于 iOS,您可以使用 [= 100% 准确地确定它是否是 iPad 13=] 包:


device_info: ^0.4.2+4

  static Future<bool> isTablet(BuildContext context) async {

    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin();
      IosDeviceInfo iosInfo = await deviceInfo.iosInfo;

      return iosInfo.model.toLowerCase() == "ipad";
    } else {
      // The equivalent of the "smallestWidth" qualifier on Android.
      var shortestSide = MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide;

      // Determine if we should use mobile layout or not, 600 here is
      // a common breakpoint for a typical 7-inch tablet.
      return shortestSide > 600;

这里与其他答案相同,但返回 enum 而不是 boolString。因为它更封闭,所以更容易使用它。

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

enum DeviceType { Phone, Tablet }

DeviceType getDeviceType() {
  final data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance.window);
  return data.size.shortestSide < 550 ? DeviceType.Phone : DeviceType.Tablet;

感谢@Chandler 和@bakua 的启发:·)

Usually the Aspect ratio ( width : height) of Android Tablet and iPad is in the range of from 0.75 ~ 1.4, following is the fastest way to check. We can adjust the UI according to the Aspect ratio.

bool isTablet;
double ratio = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
if( (ratio >= 0.74) && (ratio < 1.5) )
  isTablet = true;
} else{
  isTablet = false;

在你的项目中添加下面的util class并使用它。

class DeviceUtil {
  static String get _getDeviceType {
    final data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance.window);
    return data.size.shortestSide < 550 ? 'phone' : 'tablet';

  static bool get isTablet {
    return _getDeviceType == 'tablet';


DeviceUtil.isTablet; //true