如何在基于事件的设计和 terminate/cleanup 完成的作业中使用 Azure Batch

How to use Azure Batch in an event based design and terminate/cleanup finished jobs

使用 Azure Batch,我的项目使用基于事件的设计和函数和队列将作业添加到池中。当作业完成时,它仍然是 "active",即使所有任务都已完成。

一个(单独使用应用程序服务计划)功能在定时器上触发,该定时器从队列中读取 X 数量的消息。函数:

效果很好。但是,一旦任务完成,作业状态将保持活动状态,即使所有任务都已完成。我希望职位 terminate/cleanup/set 状态 "completed"。

而且我希望我的函数是短暂的,不希望有任何状态。所以我没有使用 foreach (CloudTask task in job.CompletedTasks()) 来等待任务的状态。

另一种方法是使用任务依赖性,这需要 batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor(),因此是一种全状态方法。

在基于事件的设计中使用 Azure Batch 的最佳方式是什么?具体来说,任务完成后如何 terminate/cleanup 作业?

一旦任务下的所有任务都完成,您就可以获得任务 "auto complete"。 CloudJob 对象上有一个名为 OnAllTasksComplete 的 属性。

在向作业中添加任务时,您需要最初将此 property 设置为 NoAction(默认值)。将所有任务添加到作业后,您可以将该值更新为 TerminateJob,然后调用 Commit()/CommitAsync()。请注意,如果您保留最初提交的 CloudJob,则需要先 Refresh()/RefreshAsync() 才能修改属性并提交。或者,您可以 GetJob()/GetJobAsync(),修改,然后提交。

对于 event-based 设计,您可以查看启用 Batch service analytics 并查看它是否适合您的场景。

fpark 回答后的代码最终解决方案:

public class Orchestrator()
    public Task ExecuteAsync()
        // Create the Batch pool, which contains the compute nodes 
        // that execute the tasks.
        var pool = await _batchManager.CreatePoolIfNotExistsAsync();

        // Create the job that runs the tasks.
        var job = await _batchManager.CreateJobIfNotExistsAsync(_domain, pool.Id);

        // Obtain the bound job from the Batch service
        await job.RefreshAsync();

        // Create a collection of tasks and add them to the Batch job. 
        var tasks = await _fileProcessingTasksFactory.CreateAsync(job.Id);

        // Add the tasks to the job; the tasks are automatically scheduled
        // for execution on the nodes by the Batch service.
        await job.AddTaskAsync(tasks);

        job.OnAllTasksComplete = OnAllTasksComplete.TerminateJob;

        await job.CommitAsync();

public class BatchManager()

    public async Task<CloudPool> CreatePoolIfNotExistsAsync()
        // Code to create and return a pool.

    public async Task<CloudJob> CreateJobIfNotExistsAsync(string domain, string poolId)
        // Job id cannot contain : so replace them.
        var jobId = $"{domain}-{DateTime.UtcNow:s}".Replace(":", "-");
        var job = _parameters.BatchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();

        job.Id = jobId;
        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation { PoolId = poolId };

        await job.CommitAsync();

        return job;

如果您尝试直接使用 OnAllTasksComplete.TerminateJob 创建作业,您将收到以下错误:

Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
2018-03-27 07:57:40.738 +02:00 [Error] "636577269909538505" - Failure while scheduling Azure Batch tasks.
System.InvalidOperationException: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
   at Microsoft.Azure.Batch.PropertyAccessor`1.ThrowIfReadOnly(Boolean overrideReadOnly)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Batch.PropertyAccessor`1.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<SetValue>b__0()
   at Microsoft.Azure.Batch.PropertyAccessController.WriteProperty(Action propertyWriteAction, BindingAccess allowedAccess, String propertyName)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Batch.PropertyAccessor`1.SetValue(T value, Boolean overrideReadOnly, Boolean overrideAccessControl)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Batch.CloudJob.set_OnAllTasksComplete(Nullable`1 value)
   at BatchManager.CreateJobIfNotExist(String domain, String poolId) in C:\ProjectsGitHub\ProjectName\BatchManager.cs:line 107
   at FileProcessingOrchestrator.<ExecuteAsync>d__6.MoveNext() in C:\ProjectsGitHub\ProjectName\FileProcessingOrchestrator.cs:line 48
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nnip.Qrs.EdgarDataProcessing.Parallelization.FunctionApp.ScheduleAzureBatchTasks.<Run>d__0.MoveNext() in C:\ProjectsGitHub\ProjectName\FunctionApp\ScheduleAzureBatchTasks.cs:line 93

Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
A ScriptHost error has occurred
Exception while executing function: ScheduleAzureBatchTasks. Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
Exception while executing function: ScheduleAzureBatchTasks
Exception while executing function: ScheduleAzureBatchTasks. Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
Function completed (Failure, Id=6173b9d2-5058-4a6d-9406-1cf00340774e, Duration=71076ms)

Executed 'ScheduleAzureBatchTasks' (Failed, Id=6173b9d2-5058-4a6d-9406-1cf00340774e)
System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: ScheduleAzureBatchTasks. Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.
  Function had errors. See Azure WebJobs SDK dashboard for details. Instance ID is '6173b9d2-5058-4a6d-9406-1cf00340774e'
System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: ScheduleAzureBatchTasks. Microsoft.Azure.Batch: This object is in an invalid state.  Write access is not allowed.


在所有任务完成后,作业大约需要两分钟(在我的例子中)将其状态设置为 Completed