Error from google adwords api - AttributeError: 'HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout' object has no attribute 'proxy_info'

Error from google adwords api - AttributeError: 'HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout' object has no attribute 'proxy_info'

我已经创建了一个 MCC 帐户和一个测试帐户,获得了开发人员令牌和刷新令牌

下载 "googleads-python-lib-master" 文件夹后,我更改了配置文件 "googleads.yaml" 以匹配以下参数:

# Required Fields                                                           #
  developer_token: .......
  # Optional Fields                                                           #
  client_customer_id: ***-***-****
  # partial_failure: True
  # validate_only: True
  # OAuth2 Configuration                                                      #
  # Below you may provide credentials for either the installed application or #
  # service account flows. Remove or comment the lines for the flow you're    #
  # not using.                                                                #
  # The following values configure the client for the installed application
  # flow.
  client_id: ......
  client_secret: .....
  refresh_token: ......  

然后我 运行 "" 在文件夹 "googleads-python-lib-master" 中使用命令 "python build install" 成功并在文件夹 "lib/site-packages" [=14] 中安装了所有必要的模块=]

[all the modules][1]



AttributeError: 'HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout' object has no attribute 'proxy_info'

来自 Google 开发人员的视频教程没有帮助 谁能帮帮我?

似乎是由于一个错误,解决方法是将 httplib2 包固定到 httplib2==0.10.3. 请参考此 link 以获取有关该错误的更多信息。