
How to check the balance of merchant and customer

我是 Authorize.Net 的新手,我在学习 Authorize.Net 的业务领域和逻辑方面遇到了一些困难。我已经尽可能多地阅读了文档,但没有找到我的问题的答案:



From where and to where i can get and applied the customer credit cards like the credit card number for test.

您可以从他们的 testing guide.

获取测试信用卡号和有关使用 Authorize.Net 进行测试的信息

How i will check that this amount is remaining in that credit card and where to check the account earnings or test money it is getting from charging that credit cards.

你不能。此信息无法通过他们的 API 或您可以访问的任何其他 API 获得。