Paypal 为 IPN 发送了警告邮件

Paypal sent warning emails for IPN

我使用 Django-paypal 包将 Paypal 集成到我的 Django(1.10) 应用程序中。一切正常,甚至支付处理也非常好,我在 Django 管理员中从 PayPal 收到 IPN。但是 PayPal 将这封电子邮件发送给我:


Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:


If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.

Thanks, PayPal

---------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECT YOUR PASSWORD

NEVER give your password to anyone, including PayPal employees. Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account.

Please do not reply to this email. We are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, visit our Help Centre by clicking "Help" located on any PayPal page or email.

PayPal is committed to your privacy, learn more about our privacy policy:

会发生什么问题? 我对此一无所知,请帮助我!


PayPal 似乎观察到您的 PayPal 帐户中的 IPN 失败,因此 PayPal 正在发送一封警告电子邮件,通知您 IPN 失败。如果 IPN 连续失败,则 PayPal 将在您的 PayPal 帐户中禁用 IPN。您可以在您的 PayPal 帐户中查看最近 28 天的 IPN 数据,以了解失败的 IPN。如果您的 PayPal 帐户在过去 28 天内没有失败的 IPN,但仍收到来自 PayPal 的这封电子邮件,请通过 与 PayPal 支持团队联系以获得进一步帮助。