Android Studio 3.1 中缺少保存屏幕截图选项

Save Screenshot option is missing in Android Studio 3.1

我已经将 android 工作室从 3.0.1 更新到 3.1,现在没有直接查看 XML 文件的选项 在 Android studio 3.0.1 中有保存屏幕截图的选项

现在正在更新 android 工作室版本到 3.1,它丢失了


Android Studio 版本 3.1.0



  1. The Layout Inspector gained new features, including some functionality previously provided by the deprecated Hierarchy Viewer and Pixel Perfect tools:

  2. Zoom buttons and keyboard shortcuts for navigating and inspecting layouts Reference grid overlay Ability to load a reference image and use it as an overlay (useful for comparing your layout with a UI mockup) Render subtree preview to isolate a view in a complex layout


  1. The Palette in the Layout Editor has received many improvements:

  2. Reorganization of categories for views and layouts.

  3. New Common category for views and layouts, which you can add to with a Favorite command.

  4. Improved search for views and layouts.

  5. New commands for opening documentation for a specific view or layout element.

  6. You can use the new Convert view command in the Component tree or design editor to convert a view or layout to another type of view or layout.

  7. You can now easily create constraints to items near the selected view using the new Create a connection buttons in the view inspector at the top of the Attributes window.




IMO,此选项没有太大意义,因为您在 Logcat window 下已经有屏幕截图选项。当然,您需要 运行 应用程序才能获取它。但是你不能确定你的设计只是在编辑器预览上看到它,总是建议 运行 模拟器或设备上的应用程序。


  • 运行 您的应用在连接的设备或模拟器上。
    • 如果使用连接的设备,请确保您已启用 USB 调试。
    • 在 Android Studio 中,select 查看 > 工具 Windows > Logcat 打开 Logcat
    • Select 顶部下拉列表中的设备和进程 window.
    • 单击 window 左侧的屏幕截图。



ans 的回复是

"This is WAI, we deprecated this feature."