在 AWS Cloud9 中使用 create-react-app npm start

Using create-react-app's npm startwith AWS Cloud9

我正在尝试在 AWS Cloud9 中使用 create-react-app。虽然我在创建应用程序时没有遇到任何问题,但当我尝试 运行 npm start 时,我只得到 this screen. When I clicked on "Why am I seeing this?" I was taken to this page, which led me to turn on HTTPS. While HTTPS was enabled, it did not fix the issue. create-react-app's Github page suggested that CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true is required for virtual machines, but that also did not fix the issue: it now creates a blank page, as shown here。最后想到可能是不小心改动导致的问题,删除了目录重新做了一个,但是问题依旧。


我遇到了类似的问题。对我来说,我只是以错误的方式处理它,我可以通过转到 IDE 顶部的预览然后预览 运行 应用程序来预览我的应用程序。