使用 R 中的 Plot3D 包增加 3D 曲面绘图厚度

Increasing 3D surface plot thickness using the Plot3D package in R

有没有办法使用 R 中 plot3D 包中的 persp3D() 函数来增加 3D 表面图的厚度,例如图 here?似乎无法在文档中找到任何内容。

我不知道 plot3D,但是 rgl 没有特定的功能。方法是计算对应于平板边缘的多边形,并使用 polygon3d 绘制这些多边形。例如:

persp3d(volcano, col = "green")

# The bottom of the slab
persp3d(volcano-10, col = "blue", add = TRUE)

minx <- 0
maxx <- 1
miny <- 0
maxy <- 1

m <- nrow(volcano)
n <- ncol(volcano)

# The front edge
edgex <- c(seq(minx, maxx, length.out = m),
           seq(maxx, minx, length.out = m))
edgey <- miny
edgez <- c(volcano[,1],rev(volcano[,1] - 10))
polygon3d(cbind(edgex, edgey, edgez), coords = c(1,3), 
          col = "yellow")

# The back edge
edgey <- maxy
edgez <- c(volcano[,n],rev(volcano[,n] - 10))
polygon3d(cbind(edgex, edgey, edgez), coords = c(1,3), col = "white")

edgex <- minx
edgey <- c(seq(miny, maxy, length.out = n),
           seq(maxy, miny, length.out = n))
edgez <- c(volcano[1,],rev(volcano[1,] - 10))
polygon3d(cbind(edgex, edgey, edgez), coords = c(2,3), col = "black")

edgex <- maxx
edgez <- c(volcano[m,],rev(volcano[m,] - 10))
polygon3d(cbind(edgex, edgey, edgez), coords = c(2,3), col = "green")

我能够通过创建多个表面并使用 plot3D 函数的 curtain 参数连接它们来实现它。厚度由每个表面的 z 参数控制。如果有人需要示例代码,就在这里;

为简单起见,我使用米来指定 thicknesses/height 个表面


# volcano data range
clim <- range(volcano)

# Surface 1
persp3D(z = volcano, zlim = c(0, 600), clim = clim, 
        box = FALSE, plot = FALSE, curtain = TRUE, border = "black")

# Surface 2 - 20m below surface 1
persp3D(z = volcano - 20, clim = clim, colvar = volcano, 
        add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE, plot = FALSE, curtain = TRUE, border = "black")

# Surface 3 - 40m below surface 1
persp3D(z = volcano - 40, clim = clim, colvar = volcano, 
        add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE, plot = FALSE, curtain = TRUE, border = "black")

# Surface 4 - 60m below surface 1
persp3D(z = volcano - 60, clim = clim, colvar = volcano, 
        add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE, plot = TRUE, curtain = TRUE, border = "black")

# Surface 5 - 80m below surface 1
persp3D(z = volcano - 80, clim = clim, colvar = volcano, 
        add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE, plot = TRUE, curtain = FALSE, border = "black")

# Open rgl for interactive viewing