Android Studio 3.1 中的 ADM 在哪里?

Where is ADM in Android Studio 3.1?

今天我已经从 Android Studio 3.0 升级到 3.1,但我找不到 Android Device Monitor

如何在 Android Studio 3.1 中访问 Android Device Monitor

根据 Android Studio 3.1 release notes:

Device Monitor available from the command line

In Android Studio 3.1, the Device Monitor serves less of a role than it previously did. In many cases, the functionality available through the Device Monitor is now provided by new and improved tools.

See the Device Monitor documentation for instructions for invoking the Device Monitor from the command line and for details of the tools available through the Device Monitor.

因此,如果您仍想 运行 设备监视器,则需要从命令行手动启动它。否则,迁移到直接内置于 Android Studio 中的 updated performance tools and updated Layout Inspector



但是我发现了一个问题,必须关闭 AS,因为我收到端口 8700 无法打开,因为正在使用!

所以现在要从命令行打开 ADM,我必须关闭 AS。


In Android Studio 3.1, the Device Monitor serves less of a role than it previously did. In many cases, the functionality available through the Device Monitor is now provided by new and improved tools.


感谢您的 @ianhanniballake now i see the info in the official documentation.

在 Android Studio 3.1 中,工具发生了变化。 DDMS 或 ADM 工具已被设备文件资源管理器工具取代。你需要去菜单。请按照以下步骤操作:


Here is a link for more tips。祝你好运!