
Cypress with Sauce Labs

Cypress docs 中(在 "Sauce Labs" 小节下):

Cypress’s API is written to be completely compatible with Sauce Labs, even though our API is not Selenium based at all. We will be offering better integration with Sauce Labs in the future.

我认为这意味着有一种方法可以在 Sauce Labs 中对 Cypress 进行 运行 测试,但有一些限制。但我找不到有关如何实现此目的的说明。


SauceLab 对 Cypress 的支持似乎还没有准备好:

We currently don't support Cypress at this time, but it is recommended to upvote the following feature request in our Customer Idea Portal, where our Product team directly reviews input from our customers and prioritizes what will be implemented next based on demand.


Sauce Labs Testrunner Toolkit 目前有一个 open beta,它旨在与许多流行的浏览器自动化工具集成,包括 Cypress。它处于公开测试阶段,因此我们可以收集反馈并帮助确保它满足开发人员的需求。

该工具包作为基于 Docker 的快速设置解决方案工作,并将日志和视频发送到我们的云端,因此与您的团队共享测试资产就像托管测试一样。

你可以了解更多in the docs