有什么方法可以让 Backup Exec 正确选择作业存储?

Any way to make Backup Exec choose storage for job properly?

这是我的问题:我们正在使用带有 3 个驱动器(每个 2TB)的 Backup Exec 16 来配置存储(具有 3 个暴露于 BE 的 RAID 阵列的 SAN 设备)。

由于没有太多 space,我不得不配置备份作业以使用它认为合适的任何存储,否则平衡存储使用将是一场噩梦。这就是我的问题开始的地方:出于某种原因,Backup Exec 试图做一些不可能的事情,比如将 170 GB 邮箱数据库备份到有 50 GB 可用空间的存储,甚至备份到完整存储,同时还有另一个超过 500 GB 的存储来做工作。

我想也许备份时 500 GB 的可用存储空间已满,所以我 运行 手动备份作业,但运气不好 - 它仍然选择另一个完整的存储空间,而不是正确的存储空间。

所以,我的问题是:BE 应该像石头一样愚蠢还是我配置错误?

PS:另外,我不允许将这 3 个突袭重建为一个 space。

select 存储有多种方法。而且,是的,BackupExec 可以跨越多个存储之间的作业。请参阅下面的限制和解释:

Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool

  • A storage device with the least amount of free space. This setting is beneficial for manual off-site rotation strategies since the job runs to the same device until the device is full.

  • A storage device with the most amount of free space. This setting is beneficial for a backup job for which Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) is enabled, and that is sent to a disk storage device pool. A GRT job cannot span when it is sent to a disk storage device.

The Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface commands are as follows:

New-BEStorageDevicePool sets the device selection method for a new disk-based storage device pool when you create it.

Set-BEStorageDevicePool sets the device selection method for an existing disk-based storage device pool.

For information on how to use the Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface and the commands, view the help file named BEMCLI, located in the default installation location:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec

See the guide