在 CALayer 上使用 hitTest - 你如何找到哪个层被击中 (Swift)?

Using hitTest on a CALayer - how do you find which layer was hit (Swift)?


目前我有很多 CAShapeLayers,我希望每一个在被点击时都做一些事情。但是当他们中的任何一个被点击时,一个动作就会发生在他们身上。


    if shape.hitTest(point) != nil {
        shape.lineWidth = 60
    if shape1.hitTest(point) != nil {
        shape1.lineWidth = 60
    if shape2.hitTest(point) != nil {
        shape2.lineWidth = 60

这可能意味着它只是检查点击的点是否是 CAShapeLayer。你如何得到它来检查点击的点是否是特定的 CAShapeLayer?


override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {

    // Declare the touched symbol and its location on the screen
    for touch: AnyObject in touches {

        //get the point location
        let location:CGPoint = (touch as! UITouch).locationInView(self.view)

        if CGPathContainsPoint(shape1.path, nil, location, false) //shape 1
            //touch in shape 1
        else if CGPathContainsPoint(shape2.path, nil, location, false) //shape 2
            //touch in shape 2
        else if CGPathContainsPoint(shape3.path, nil, location, false) //shape 3
            //touch in shape 3
